Chapter #22

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I blinked frantically as her grin didn't falter. I looked to the ground then back to her, and then to him, and shook my head while closing my eyes.

This was different, I began to overthink, this was different because I am in my Heat and the flashes that keep coming and going. The flashes aren't going to conveniently leave every time we had to go to bed! 

I felt furious, and the smug smile pulling the left corner of his lips only made me want to strangle him out more. Despite how obviously attractive he was... 

I'm scared... I'm so scared and that's the truth of it... I'm not scared of sleeping in the same bed as him, I'm scared of not having control over my own thoughts and body. I let out a soft whimper and bit the inside of my cheek as lifted my gaze to him with a glassy look in my eyes.

Raiden's emotions left a strange scent in the air, as he looked to Doris, "I think I'm going to take her out for lunch, could you please bring our bags to the room? We will be back in time for dinner."

Doris gave him a curt nod and a polite smile as she strutted in the opposite direction. 

I tried my hardest to look anywhere else but in his direction, when he suddenly chuckled, "Come on, let's get changed." I was about to protest until I remembered my current wardrobe and then blushed furiously which involuntarily made me wetter as my body got warm once more. 


We were changed, and I had decided that strappy sandals and a short, backless, peach-coloured summer dress seemed most fitting for the occasion, without forgetting the flower that had been tucked behind my ear. Raiden had a more casual get-up as well, he sported his tropical print button-up and white khaki shorts in style, along with a pair of light brown boat shoes. 

The top two buttons of his shirt were undone, and he dazzled me with a smile that showed off his pearly whites and a pair of black sunglasses with a gold trim which made his jawline look a little sharper.  

We had gotten changed in another cabin after I pulled out the clothes I wanted, while our bags were brought to the room. I couldn't explain the embarrassment I felt when I had to pull out a pair of panties, and had gotten stuck on the zipper and a server had come to my rescue. 

Raiden seemed a bit displeased, and I tried to brush it off as though it were just another day in my life. He impatiently twirled a pair of keys around his finger as I stuffed my dirty clothes back into the suitcase Grace had packed for me. 

"Ready?" he sighed in a frustrated tone as he glared at the server.

"Yes, one second," I quipped. I quickly swallowed one of the wolfsbane pills and contemplated taking a second just in case, but then decided against it. I skipped over to his side as a sudden sense of relief washed over me. 

I won't react. I'm safe, I told myself, as I followed him through an overgrown path. 

We came to a clearing that was encircled with smooth white rocks, and a bright yellow Jeep Wrangler. It was a sight that made me want to jump into the driver's seat and leave Raiden in the dust. "Hey," he called my attention and tossed me the keys. I stumbled as I caught them and looked back and forth at the keys and him. The Alpha King winked as he smirked at me, "I want to be driven by you and feel like a princess too!" 

I couldn't help but giggle and I rushed over to the driver's seat, started the ignition, and sped to the only sandy exit. 


The road was quite narrow, and we had to lean into the middle of the car when there were too many branches smacking the sides of the car. Raiden laughed every time I apologised for going to fast into a turn or taking a speed bump in the fifth gear, "You're insane," he laughed, and I shrugged, "The car can take it." 

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