Chapter #10

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I woke up to the cold breeze. It was still dark outside, so I assumed it was still early on in the morning. The blanket had pooled at my feet, and I leaned over to pull it back over me. I was startled by a sudden crackle that split the dark sky with electric webs and quickly disappeared, following by a deep thunder tumbling over the sky. I gulped, and patted the other side of the bed.


The bed was empty.

I sighed; as a sad feeling weighed me down as I thought to when I asked him if he would be sleeping with me. Things between us seemed well enough for him to at least sleep next to me.

"Well, looks like I'm not worth it..." And put myself to sleep, pulling the blanket over my face as tears silently soaked my pillow.


My blanket was being tugged away from me. I pulled against the tugging, and heard a growling that made me sit up. A black wolf pulled at my blankets, and from the golden orbs, I understood it was Alpha Raiden. I huffed, collected my hair into a bun and got out of bed. I shut the large windows, and went to the bathroom closing the door behind me.

I heard whimpering and scratching at my door.

Rolling my eyes in frustration, I washed my face quietly and ignored him completely. I stared at myself in the mirror and groaned as I stretched.

"Ow." I quickly held my side, "What the..." I lifted my tank top and noticed a bruise.

When did that even happe—oh... I squinted in the mirror... Colton and Laurens.

I would be giving him—them—an earful today.

Opening the door as I grumbled, I looked through my bags for something to wear, and since it was so hot, I decided a light flowery skirt, a baby pink tank top and my sandals would do. A wet nose pushed against my thigh and I jumped a bit.

I looked down at the pair of eyes that were wading from pitch black to golden spheres.

"So now you don't mind touching me?" I asked, and he only replied with a whimper.

Unbelievable... I left room, as he followed beside me this time, constantly looking up at me. I refused to smile. He hurt me...


Breakfast consisted of him just watching me quietly as I looked around the kitchen for something suitable enough to eat and drink. Patty wasn't in today, so I helped myself to whatever I could. I even considered having last night's chicken soup leftovers for breakfast.

We sat in the same way we did yesterday. Only difference is that today he's in his wolf form, and I'm even more upset at him.

When I finished my breakfast, "So what are we doing today?" I asked. His reply was just staring at me, and then he hopped of the chair, and I just followed him outside once more. We walked for a bit, until a pack of wolf thundered right past us.

A bark had them skidding to a stop, and they turned, all bowing their heads to their Alpha.

He is not getting that sort of ass kissing from me.

They seemed to be talking about something, until they all turned and looked at me.

"Shift." His voice clear as day in my head.

I frowned, "Why?"

He made a whole turn, so he was completely facing me, "Shift, we're going and you won't be able to keep up in your human form."

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