장 13 열셋

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I watch Raena disappear from view as she walks down the hall. I bite my lower lip and laugh to myself as I shake my head. Now, I'm starting to feel the redness in my cheeks. She's really quite something.

I grab my bag and begin to rummage through it trying to find my printed schedule for my next class. I move around two notebooks, a calculator, my book, and a pencil. I don't see it. To ensure that I didn't overlook it, I dig deeper.

Did I already lose it?

I sigh to myself, letting the heaviness of my bag weigh my arm down. I lift my bag once more to double-check the front pocket. I unzip it only to find the cellphone Caspian gave me. The screen lights up, beaming the time 1:15 pm as the late bell rings, and I groan.

All I can remember from the schedule is that the school day ends at 2:15 pm. I have about an hour left. I swing my bag over my shoulder and drag myself aimlessly, wandering down through different empty hallways.

I'm struck with a pang of fatigue, reminding me of how exhausted I am. The jetlag is really hitting me now. As I felt a migraine beginning to spread, I grab the side of my head and look down. I groan once again.

After wandering around for some time, I eventually find familiar-looking offices. On the one office wall, a silver plate is engraved with the name "Caspian Nguyen, Guidance Office." My hand grips the door handle to open as I'm eager to find him, but he is gone. I sigh to myself once more. I let the door close behind me.

I slump myself into the chair in front of his desk, placing my bag onto the ground. I rub my forehead wishing the pain would go away. I take a breath to myself and lean my head back and prop my feet up onto the other chair beside me.

All I want is some sleep. I've exhausted myself mentally and physically. I involuntarily yawn as I close my eyes. I am overcome with fatigue and finally sink into darkness.


Taking the spellbook, I head towards the library where I know Kang-Yoo is looking for it intently. As I walk through the doors, I stand quietly until he takes notice of my presence. Without a second passing, he takes notice quite quickly with his back still turned to me, "I didn't realize the ease of this kingdom's compliance." Inwardly, he laughs.

"You don't give us much of a choice." I say back. The comment doesn't faze him.

"Did you bring what I was looking for?" He finally turns around.

Regretfully, I reply, "I did."

He walks toward me as I extend out the book for him to take, "Perfect." He yanks the book from my hand. Upon opening it, he flickers through the pages. "This is all in Latin?"

"Most incantations are." I simply reply.

A stack of books and multiple pieces of paper lie scattered across the floor under the round table as Kang-Yoo approaches it. He grabs the old and rustic compass from out of his pocket and places it on the table. He continues to search through the pages. I bite my tongue and don't tell him anything.  I'll let him translate it on his own.

He looks up and meets my gaze, "Shouldn't you be in the kitchen cooking something? Dinner should be soon." He dismisses me, and I bite my tongue even harder. I reluctantly give a bow and walk out of the library.

I brush my hand against my neck, touching the wound Kang-Yoo created, stinging the memory back into my mind. I grit my teeth and make my way back to the cells. As there is no guards on-site, I barged on my way to the king.

Seeing him completely lying on the floor in a bigger puddle of blood, he looks more ill. I swing open the bar door kneeling down to him, "Nam-Ji," I pull at him. He winches in pain. As I examine his wound.

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