장 2 두

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As they tighten the rope on my wrists, I'm on my knees, pleading for mercy. I hear small footsteps walk up behind me.

I look up to see Kang-Yoo with his hands casually behind his back. He gives a sigh, seemingly pleased with himself. He heads for the throne with a sinister smile, sits upon my throne, and crosses his legs securely.

The ballroom doors burst open, "Kang-Yoo the-"

Kang-Yoo head perks, offended. "King."

The soldier bows quickly at a straight angle, "My apologies." He stands back up, "My king,"

Lost for words, the soldier finally blurts, "The boy has gotten away."

Kang-Yoo stands to his feet in an instant. "What do you mean he got away?" He snarls.

As the soldier searches for an answer, I silently laugh to myself. He has no idea what I have arranged. Nam-Joon will be hidden internationally. The chances of finding him will be slim.

Kang-Yoo looks down at me, "Did you have something to do with this?"

I shake my head weakly, "You'll never find him." I looked up and made eye contact.

Kang-Yoo crouches to my level; he grits his teeth. "Where is he?"

"As long as my son remains alive, the peace will be restored throughout Iskoia in his power," I said.

Within a second, his hand is tightly wrapped around my neck. I gasp.

In a low growl, Kang-Yoo speaks, "Don't worry, I'll find him.. and when I do, I will have his head on my silver platter, just like I did to your precious queen."

My blood pounds through to my head, I'm losing breath. I gasp even harder.

"I will find him." Kang-Yoo tightens his grip harder, then releases.

I catch my breath as Kang-Yoo stands and walks furiously back to the throne. "Get him out of here!" He shouts.

As demanded, I am pulled onto my feet, and I am pushed out of the ballroom heading towards the cells.


There's a silence in the air. Nothing but soft noise coming from the jet as I look out the window, sitting alone in my own thoughts.

The sound of a drink being poured comes from behind. I look to see Caspian about to take a sip. He glances up at me. I turn back to the window out of grief.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask quietly.

Caspian sighs, "Would you like a drink first?"

I turn to glare at him. I'm sure he could sense that I was irritated still.

He nods and sits across from me with his drink in hand.

"I was directed by your father and the agency to take you to the States." Caspian begins to explain.

I interject, "The States? Why the States?"

"They're our allies. That is the only place where you'll be safe." He continues, "Where Kang-Yoo and his army can't find you."

I stare at the floor, in thought, "What about Iskoia, my country?"

"As long as you're hidden, your father will be alive, and your kingdom will be taken care of." He informs, "You have to understand that. You are the only one that is protecting your father right now."

My blood began to boil at the thought of Iskoia being taken into a dictatorship by Kang-Yoo. I cock my head to the side and bite the inside of my cheeks out of annoyance. I'm furious.

"And what if I return?" I snap.

"You'll be killed." Caspian rebuttals back.

His answer leaves me feeling defeated. I sigh and glance down.

Caspian takes a small sip of his drink. We sit in silence.

"No one can find out who you really are. Your true name and identity have to be hidden." Caspian digs into his coat pocket and pulls out a small booklet. "You'll be going to an American high school by the name of Kai Wu. A foreign exchange student." He tosses it to me.

I catch it and look at it. It's a counterfeit passport.

It has my picture, but a different name and country.

I look back up in disbelief, "How long will this be for?" I ask.

"I don't know. Until we get your father back to safety, who knows how long it could take." Caspian says surely, "Could be weeks, months, even years possibly."

After hearing the word "years," I toss the passport even more annoyed beside me. I look back out the window. I can't believe this is happening.

Caspian finishes his drink, "Get some rest. It's going to be a long flight."


I grunt as I stand on top of my chair, pinning up a picture of Harvard onto my visionary board.

I tack it, stand back while admiring my filled board with inspirational quotes, awards, ribbons, straight-A reports, and made up presidential election posters of myself.

I am a true visionary—manifestation at its finest.

I sit back down at my desk, looking at a document on my computer screen.

A half-written college entrance essay, I sigh. I click out and go on to an internet tab. I read: "Application fee: $75 (non-refundable). Deadline for application essay: May 17th, 2024."

I sat in thought. I look up to my calendar and flip through the months until I reach May.

May 17th is a Friday. The day after is May 18th: Senior prom.

I bite the inside of my lip, and I click on a different tab revealing prom dresses. One in specific. A pale blue ballgown-styled dress. I scroll over with my mouse, admiring it until my eyes land on the price: $300.

I grunt while looking away at the jar of spare change. I roll my eyes and then look over to my clock. It reads: 11:34 PM.

With a mixture of feeling exhausted and frustrated, I close my laptop and pick up my phone. No notifications.

As I walk to my bed, I pull back the covers. I felt a sudden buzz.

"BOSS: "Can you cover tomorrow?"'

With slight regret, I texted back, 'Yes.'

I climb into bed and turned out the light. I sit in silence and stare at my ceiling.

"This sucks," I mumble under my breath as tears began to brim. I roll over and buried my head into my pillow.

Tomorrow is a new day.

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