장 8 여덟

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The bell rings as we exit the classroom. I follow behind Kai.

"Hey-" I manage to get out before being interrupted and shoved to the side.

Brooklyn brushes past me as she grabs onto Kai's shoulder in the hallway. Kai stops and turns.

"Hey! That was pretty impressive of what you did in there," Brooklyn says in a higher tone, "I didn't catch your name." She bats her eyes.

Angrily, I lurch out from behind Kai.

"It's Kai.." I said, slightly annoyed, "And you would've known that if you showed up this morning."

She looks at me with distaste, "Please, Raena. I was, ah, too busy doing other presidential things." I roll my eyes. She turns her focus back to Kai with a sweet smile on her face, "I'm Brooklyn Summers. Nice to meet you." She offers her hand out to shake.

Kai reaches for it, "Nice to meet you too."

Brooklyn seems to have a sudden idea, "Actually, I should show you around-"

Instantly I inhibit her, "No, that's okay, Brooklyn, really." I nervously laugh, "We're good, thank you, though. But, uh, we're going to be late-" I try to grab Kai's arm before she says anything else.

"You know Kai.. we should hang out sometime, maybe study a bit?" She bites her lip and writes on a small pink sticky note with her feathery pink glitter pen. "Here's my number." She hands the paper to him. Kai looks down at it.

My blood boils.

She turns away and struts down the hallway in her mini skirt. I grit my teeth.


I walk in with a tray of herbal tea and rice biscuits, and I place them down on the desk. I then stand back with my hands folded, waiting for Kang-Yoo to bark his next command as he searches through the shelves, clearly looking for something specific.

"Looking for something?" I ask.

He stops and turns his head over his shoulder, "Why, in fact, yes. I am looking for something, and you're going to help me." I slightly roll my eyes.

"I'm looking for the spellbook." He turns back, searching.

I furrow in confusion, "The spellbook?"

"Yes, I need to find the location spell." He flips through pages in a book. To his dismay, he slams the book onto the desk and digs into his coat pocket to pull out an old rusted compass. "I need it to charm this compass so it can give me directions to the stone, in which the boy has."

I laugh to myself, "What is the meaning of all this?"

He stops for a moment, and I feared he would rage, but he actually seems to simmer and sighs. "Hye-rin." He softly speaks.

"The late queen?" I question, "The life you took?"

"You don't understand" He shook his head, "Hye-rin was my queen."

"She was so dedicated to being royal and caring for other people. That's why I loved her. So selfless and beautiful." He sets the compass down, finally giving thoughts about something else. "I provided a life that anyone could ever ask for. But there was one thing she longed for the most, and I was so mad at myself when I found out that I couldn't give it to her."

I tilt my head in confusion.

"Heirs." He simply says, "They are very vital to royal families, to procreate and pass on the thrones."

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