장 7 일곱

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As I close my locker, I turn to see Kai stepping out of Mr. Nguyen's office. In hand, he holds his schedule looking down at it, searching for his next class, then looks back up aimlessly for room numbers. Obviously, a bit lost.

I begin to walk over when his eyes spot me. "I'm hoping I didn't scare you off." I tell him.

For a moment, he seems a bit confused, and then he suddenly seems to realize. "Oh, no." He puts his hand behind his neck, awkwardly looking back at Mr. Nguyen's door. "I, um.." He mumbles, looking for an excuse.

I slightly smile and look down, he doesn't know it, but he's cute when he's flustered. 

"It's fine. I get it." I grin, "We're gonna be late for your next class." I said as I turned down the hall. He follows behind.

Looking back down at his schedule, he says, "I have.. Calculus with..?"

"Dr. Edwards." I simply said while nearing his door.

I open the door to find Dr. Edwards cleaning his board from the last class. He turns to look at us.

"Raena! I see you brought a friend." Dr. Edwards beams.

"Yes." I introduce, "Kai Wu, foreign exchange." Dr. Edwards walks over to shake Kai's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Kai." Dr. Edwards smiles, Kai nods. "They still got you doing the welcome committee by yourself?" He notices.

I sigh, "Unfortunately." 

My eyes drift across the room to see Brooklyn turned around, sitting in her mini cheer uniform, starting to get playful with the jocks in the class. She flips her hair and laughs. The boys can't take their eyes off her as they continue with their conversations.  She bites her finger while slightly caressing one of the jock's biceps, clearly flirting. I roll my eyes.

"But, I bet you're doing an amazing job." Dr. Edwards smiles. I weakly smile back. 

"Oh, and Raena.." Dr. Edward leans in, whispering, "If you don't mind doing me a favor, could you help out Tyler with his homework in the back?"

I look towards the back of the classroom, watching the hulky jock hit his calculator repeatedly, his fingers pulling at his hair, becoming frustrated with his work.  

I sigh to myself, slightly annoyed.

"He's been struggling a bit." Dr. Edwards smirks, "I would really appreciate it."

"Of course." I try to give a meager smile.

I head towards the back as Kai takes a seat in the front. I sit next to Tyler, grabbing his notebook, "Need help?" I ask. He shrugs. I take his pencil and begin to rewrite the complex equation on his paper.  As I begin to explain, his attention is taken elsewhere. He looks over near Brooklyn and the other jocks. He snickers to himself.

"That poor kid." Tyler laughs.

I look up in his direction. I see a particular jock trying to talk to Brooklyn. 

"Who? Dylan?" I ask.

"Yeah," Tyler keeps staring, "He's been trying to ask her out for the longest time."

I stare, too, observing. She seems unamused and slightly annoyed, it is obvious Brooklyn doesn't want Dylan talking to her. 

"You know, she's gone out with everyone on the team but him." He shakes his head.

"The whole team?" I ask. 

"Yeah," He looks at me as if I was crazy, "She's hot. Everyone can get it in, except Dylan. What a loser." He ridicules. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and slight disgust.  

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