장 3 세

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My body jumps as the turbulence startles me awake. I gasp and quickly sit up, holding my chest. My fingers wrap around a small stone. I look down to see a glowing light.

"You know, you should never take that off." Caspian's voice speaks. I look up to see a book in his hand.

"Why is that?" I ask, concerned, "What is it for?"

Caspian looks up from his book, "Protection. A gift from your father." He looks at me with sincerity. "Trust me. You're not gonna want to take it off. Careful with it."

I glance back down at it once more, still confused. I look away as the digital map catches my eye. Our altitude is dropping.

"Are we landing?" I asked, "It's only been a couple of hours."

Caspian looks over, puts his book down, and gets up, grabbing his bag.

"We are." He smirks, "Have you ever visited Canada?"

"Canada?" I question.

"We're about to fly economy." He smiles.


I stand quietly with my hands folded in front of me. while waiting on my next set of demands from Kang-Yoo. 

I stare at him, admiring the glowing stone. He smiles to himself. "Ah, yes. The stone is now mine." He slightly chuckles, "You know the destruction I could do with this?" His eyes meet with mine.

With anger built, I snap. "Don't underestimate it. You don't know the power it has."

His face lights up, "Oh, but I do." His smile widens, "I'm going to wipe out all of South Korea." He smirks to himself, "Even your tiny kingdom."

I try and bite my tongue, but I just can't help it. "King Nam-Ji would never let you get away with this." I try to launch myself at him, but the soldiers hold me back and have a tight grip on my arms.

Unfazed, he turns and takes the stone to rest it on its golden display.

"Don't worry about him.. he's my prisoner now." He speaks surely.

As the stone for a moment, its glow drastically fades. Kang-Yoo stops and observes for a moment. 

I could feel his thoughts: anger and confusion. My face turns to the ground.

He turns slightly and softly walks towards me. He forcefully grabs my face and guides it up.  His gaze burns through me. I gasp.

"The stone isn't real?" He asks in a low voice.

I whimper as hot tears fill my eyes. I feel a knot in my throat. I keep silent.

He reaches down to his side, grabbing his dagger. "I'm only going to ask you once." He threatens.

I begin to shake as more tears come down. His dagger softly touches my neck. He looks at it with desire. It was the malevolence and darkness in his eyes that gave me an unsettling feeling in my stomach.

"Just one slight cut.." He whispers. The sharpness stings my neck. I cry out.

"It's not real!" I literally choke out. Out of anger, he grasps my face harder, pushing me hard against the wall. It knocks the only wind out of me.

Clenching his jaw, he roars, taking his dagger away from my neck. I feel blood drip down my neck as I inhale weakly.

"Take her back to the maid's chamber!" He demands.

He grabs for the stone and whips around, heading for the cells.


As I sit slumped on the cell floor, I suddenly hear a door burst open and foot's steps nearing my direction.

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