장 5 다섯

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After a couple of hours, we finally land. Exiting the gates, we find our bags and head towards a parked SUV outside. After a second of stepping foot outside, I am hit with a pang of heat and humidity. I break into a sweat.

"Where are we? Hades?" I exclaim, tossing my carry-on into the backseat.

Caspian gets in next to me, laughing to himself.

"Welcome to Florida." He smirks.

As the driver pulls away from the airport, we reach the highway. The midnight sky is filled with lights and skyscrapers. I almost forgot what cities had looked like. The city was something I vaguely saw as a kid. It's hard when you're a prince who has a whole country to run. This view is exhilarating. I cannot help but stare in admiration.

"This will be your new home until we can get your kingdom back to safety." Caspian softly spoke.

I look over, being reminded of why I'm here.

"It's just for a bit. You'll like it here." He smiles.

I hope so.


We turn onto a darkened street and into a questionable neighborhood. We stopped in front of a rundown apartment complex. Caspian unlocks the car door and begins to get out. I follow, grabbing my bag.

"This is it?" I ask, a bit concerned.

Caspian starts climbing up the steps as the SUV drives off.

"Yup." He grunts as he reaches the final steps, "Not your average fortress, but it will do."

He unlocks the door, flickering on the lights, revealing a small scanty apartment. The smell of dust and dirt fills the air.

"Home sweet home!" Caspian drops his bag.

I look around the apartment in slight disgust.

"Your room is over here." Caspian leads me over to the back room.

He opens the door to a frayed and thinly covered twin-sized bed and a scratched-up wooden desk. I look up to the ceiling, where I find water stains and cobwebs.

"Everything you need is in here." He smiles and pats me on the back. "If you need me, I'm down the hallway."

I set my bag onto the bed and sigh, taking my cap off and brushing my fingers through my hair.

"Get some sleep. You got school in the morning." Caspian slightly spoke as he began to walk away.

"School?!" I exclaim.

Caspian nods, "Goodnight... Kai."

He closes my door, and I am left alone. I plop myself onto the tattered bed as the springs squeaked. My chest tightens. I take a deep breath closing my eyes as tears begin to swell once again.

I grab the stone and hold onto it.

Please let this be over soon.


Blaring through my ear, my alarm rings as I roll over to look at the time: 8:45 am: Welcome Committee.

Damn. I'm late.

I shoot up right out of bed, tossing on some semi-casual clothing. I quickly throw my hair into a messy-styled bun as I reach for my glasses. In a panic, I grab my books and my bag, rushing out the door.

The bus passes my house.

I give out a great sigh and begin hurrying myself to school.


Out of breath, I finally reach the school. Wiping my forehead out of exhaustion, I walk up to the main entrance, meeting Principal Collins.

"Raena Rose!" He exclaims in my direction, "You're almost late!"

"I know, I know." I sigh. "I missed the bus."

"Well, you just made it on time." He smiles, putting his hands together, "The welcome committee isn't going to be here today. It's going to be you."

"What?" I breathe out, "Seriously? I can't rely on our student president for anything." I cross my arms miffed.

"If it were up to me, Raena. You know I would have you as our President.." He pats my shoulder, trying to sympathize with me. "But, you know, being Secretary isn't that bad either."

I look down to the ground, "Yeah, assistant Secretary." I mumble to myself.

As I look back up, a black sports car pulls into the parking lot and parks just across from the building.

"Look at that, our exchange student has just arrived." Principal Collins points to the car.

Our school counselor, Mr. Nguyen, climbs out of the driver's seat, followed by his passenger, a very tall boy wearing a pair of tight black jeans with a white tee topped off with a pair of darkened sunglasses. He swings his bag over his shoulder, strutting his way over.

Mr. Nguyen snatches the visors from him out of annoyance. I giggle to myself.

As they approach, Principal Collins calls out. "Mr. Nguyen! It's nice to see you have returned!"

Mr. Nguyen smiles, "Ah! Yes! It's been a bit. But, I'm happy to have returned with my nephew... Kai." He pats the boy on his back. The boy vaguely smiles, showing off his dimples and plump lips.

My cheeks warmed, I sheepishly look down. He is handsome.

"Great! Let's take this back to the office." Principal Collins suggests.

We all follow back to his office, where Principal Collins takes a seat at his desk. "So, is this Kai's first time in America?" He starts.

"Yes. Actually." Mr. Nguyen cleared his throat, "I finally convinced his parents to let me bring him here. You know, to broaden his education."

"Where are you guys from again?" Principal Collins asks.

"Kor-" Kai was cut short, "China. Beijing, China." Mr. Nguyen interjected.

"You sure are far from home, Kai." Principal Collins speaks, "Which is why we are here, to welcome you to Palm Bay High School." He gestures over to me.

I stare at the new boy with infatuation. My palms begin to sweat.

Principal Collins looks over at me, waiting.

"Oh," I mumble out, looking down. "Ah.." I try and quickly dry my palms on the back of my pants.

I look up to see Kai already staring at me. Blood rushes to my cheeks as I push up my glasses closer to my face.

I reach my hand out, "Hi.. my.. name.. is.." I try to say slowly, articulating my words, avoiding any language barriers. Having prior knowledge, I know that most of our foreign exchange students do.

"Raena." Principal Collins calls, "He speaks English."

"Oh," I say as I pull back my hand. I look back down. I can feel my face burning from embarrassment.

Kai smiles softly and reaches out, "It's cool. I'm Kai." I look up coyly, "Nice to meet you." I am taken back by his voice and accent, his English was impeccable.

I grab for his hand, trying to hold back a smile as he grins. We softly shook.

"Raena is a part of our Student Government and Welcome Committee. She'll be showing you around and to your classes." Principal Collins picks up a piece of paper and hands it to me. "She is here if you have any questions or concerns. We want you to feel welcomed here."

I look down at the paper to find Kai, and I share the same first period.

1st Period: World History

I began to get nervous. The bell rang, dismissing us to our first period.

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