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  • Dedicated to Kyle

Dear Scott,

        I wish I would have never allowed you to convince me to to move. I wish I would have stuck to the original plan and let you go without me. I wish that I could be alone, at least for a day without seeing you two together. But I can't at least not here where your happy relationship is thrown in my face every time I turn around. Sometimes I really want to forget. I long for this feeling to go away. But then I think of your smile, how your eyes light up every time you see me and you go on and on about how much I mean to you. And I realize I can't get over you until I can actually be with you. So I guess I'm stuck hating seeing you with him but loving every moment that I get a glimpse of what it would feel like to be on his side. It's sad isn't it.

                                                                                                                                                     With Everything,


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