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Dear Scott,

I hate you. I mean that's not really true but I'm so angry at you that all I want to feel is hate. I used to believe that my love for you will never go away, and it hasn't, but it has changed me from a lovesick fool to an ugly jaded man. I no longer see or care about reason. I only want to be with you. I no longer care that your eyes light up with happiness when you see Alex or how you two are disgustingly cute. I'm sad and beginning to give up on us. I tried being optimistic and I'm sick and tired of living off of the little things that you do. I think I deserve better than that but I don't know how to find it. Sometimes I wish you had never met Alex or that I would have said no when you wanted to move in together. I want to be happy, not doubt my worth. Sometimes I guess live just isn't enough.

The little goth girl with a broken heart,

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