Chapter 30

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Shiro was next and he decided that he was going to surprise his boyfriend with one of the songs he knew his boyfriend absolutely loved. One of the old classics that everybody could enjoy. 

Matt sitting none the wiser and listening to Lance chattering away beside him, giving up over asking why they were suddenly going to go out to McDonald to eat. Matt was ready to lie and saying it would be a way to treat the rest of the team for all their hard work on setting this up but Keith and Hunk only shook their head's as if they read his mind. 

Matt looking away from Lance as soon as the beat to summer of 69 by bryan adams started playing from the speakers. 

Shiro being sly enough to send a flirt wink towards him while smirking as if he's done nothing wrong. Matt just smiling like an idiot as this was his favourite song growing up. 

Pidge just smiling, shaking her head amused before glancing to Keith who held his own amused smirk. He's noticed the reactions over Matt and Shiro and knew the song meant something to them. Turning his head to Pidge as he felt her rest her head to his shoulder, ready to enjoy the show before them. 

Hunk smiling himself as Lance cuddled up beside him, the two just watching as Shiro did his own dance and lip-sync of the song. Even doing air guitar for certain pains and treating Matt as the girl spoken off in the song making the rest of them laugh over how much of a blessing mess Matt became sometimes. 

"Damn, I really love that muscle-head" Matt groaned into his hands, feeling embarrassed over all this fuss. 

"Just don't go replaying this on repeat for the rest of us lives" Pidge muttered, rather content over resting on Keith shoulder. 

"Let's at least give them a week to act as sappy love fools" Keith smirked, resting his head on top of Pidge's without much care and feeling just as content as she did. 

"Still not gonna approve over that right now" Matt whispered as he glared towards Keith who was being to overly touchy and close with his baby sister.

"We've just had to listen to your sex life, push off" Hunk simply shot back with an innocent smile making him seem like he was giving a friendly comment not his own warning. 

"Sex life? When did that happen?" Lance asked confused, he didn't remember that awkward topic coming up before. 

"This morning in the kitchen, you were washing off your face mask" Hunk lied and pressing a kiss to his own lover hair. 

"Are we still meant to act like we don't know about them?" Keith whispered to Pidge as he was finding it a little more harder to act clueless over the two secret dating when they were so open about it around them.

"I've got no fucking clue anymore" Pidge whispered back just as unsure as Keith. 


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