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Tune was sitting on the couch enjoying her favorite show EXO ShowTime, which she had already seen hundred times but she was still chuckling like it's her first time seeing all this.

Tune was sitting on the couch enjoying her favorite show EXO ShowTime, which she had already seen hundred times but she was still chuckling like it's her first time seeing all this

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After knowing all this I am even more worried about her, it may be possible that she will get into any trouble because of me.

Already my uncle had done so much for me, he gave his own life to protect me, he never thought about her own daughter. I am highly debted by him and her.

I just didn't like the idea of getting soulmate and that biting and sex, whatever but I need to get even stronger, I need to protect this innocent girl.

I know uncle would have trusted me with her daughter; I would never let anyone harm her. For all this I have to find out who is the one with golden eyes and brown fur, but how.

Hearing door knocking I went to open it and it was Suho

"hii, tune" suho walked inside and greeted her.

"There is also suho oppa and here also suho oppa" she pointed at the tv screen

"Why are looking at us in the TV when you can see us live" he sat on the couch with her.

"I get to hardly see you as you all live in your house and we here" she pouted "my unnie is much luckier she get to spend whole day and night with you" she spilled out anything without thinking

"Night" suho chocked after listening to her non sense

"Tune, do you even think before speaking" I asked her irritatingly

"Never mind, I have come here to solve your problem" he said looking at her with a smiling face

"What oppa" she hoped up

"Pack your luggage, from now you both gonna live in our house" he said lightly, I was stunted, even was tune

"Really oppa" her eyes widened and he nodded, she jumped out of couch

"Why" I asked confusingly

"Tune, you go pack your luggage" he said to her and she ran inside to her room

"Why is it necessary for us to live there" I asked him again

"There are multiple reasons" he said looking at me "first, you will be much safer there,
second we would feel relief after seeing you day nicely happy
Third, you are an alpha and even daughter of our ex leader, you deserve to live with royalty
And forth, your childhood best friend missed you" suho said with sparkling eyes, her eyes sadden when he said best friend.

So shame of me, he called me best friend and I don't remember a single memory with him. Above all thing, if ill live there, I would easily get to know who is my soul mate. So , it's a better option.

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