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Just before reaching my room, I saw tune coming with three four bags coming inside.

"what's all this" I asked her

"I went for the shopping" she looked really happy

"Okay, what did you get" I took those heavy bags from her hands.

"You will see come with me" she held my arm and dragged me inside her room.

I kept them on my the floor and sat down on the chair

"Look these are for skin" she pointed at bag "these are dresses" "then these are shoes and these accessories" she got up and held biggest one tightly "and these are snacks"

"okay" I nodded uninterested in whatever she bought

"so let's start, get up unnie" she held my hand

"Do it yourself please, I am really tired" I was not ready to get up

"These all I have brought for you, so you could get ready for the party" she pouted making a puppy face

"Who told you about the party" I was shocked

"I was not trying to eavesdrop , I was just passing by when I heard conversation between sehun oppa and Chanyeol oppa,  sehun oppa was suggesting his some clothes for the party, they said its really important and they should look really nice, they said even you would be going to attend that party for the first time , so I thought even you should look nice, I don't want to embarrass my idol, so you have to dress nicely" she tried to scold me

"Sometimes you are really helpful" I teased her "don't worry, ill will not to embarrass your idol" I smiled at her

Tune pov

I wanted to tell her the truth, that unnie I know you are not a human, I know no one in this house is a human. I know you all are werewolves.

I knew this even before she knew about her true identity.

Uncle, Aeri and I were celebrate in her eighteenth birthday in our roof, we were having grilled pork party. Everything was fine, we were enjoying our happy moment until moon came out and she suddenly started to shiver badly, she was having hard time to breath.

First I thought she is having some kind of fit but it seemed like uncle knew something about it.

He just picked her up and took her inside. I kept on holding her hand tightly, uncle closed all the window, not letting single light entre inside the room.

Suddenly her eyes colors started changing, it was flickering into lighter shade of blue then completely white.

I was horrified looking at her, not only this but her incisor teeth started to grow up.

After sometime she become really normal, she stooped shivering, her heartbeat came into normal rate, she just fainted at the moment

I asked uncle to call for ambulance but he didn't listened to me, then he told me all about her being werewolf and about his sister, aeri's mother marrying to werewolf

Uncle always kept on telling me to change the city if anything happens to him, he told me someone was after Aeri. She is not safe anywhere. That's why I insisted Aeri to change city after uncle passed away.

Even that day when suho oppa came to take us to his house, I heard all their conversation. That day I got to know even they are not humans. Well I always knew they were so unreal.

She is trying hard not to tell me about all this and I respect her decision, I knew that would be for our safety.

Today my dear sister, will meet her soul mate, I don't wonna be dramatic and I am just not being emotional but I want to dress her like its her wedding.

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