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Still the question was hurting my head, who was that boy, I am really debated by him, he had saved my life.

  My head bumped into a rock maybe that's why I had forgotten all those memories. It's too bad that I had even forgotten about the person who saved me.

I'll think about this again, but I rushed toward training area because I knew if I'll get late that monstrous person would start taunting me again.

My energy already exhausted by coming running till here, I entered the hall and kept my bag aside. Few other trainees were on the other side and kai Chanyeol lay sehun were gyming on the other.

"Are you okay now" Chanyeol asked and I nodded

"You should have taken rest today" lay said

"it's okay, otherwise some people will think I am weak" I looked at kai and he rolled his eyes

"You are not Aeri trust me, you were so heavy, I nearly passed out taking you home back" sehun said rubbing his back

"Thank you sehun" I said and he smiled in a pain

"But what happened to you" lay asked

"Nothing, just again a flashback" I rubbed my head

"And what did you saw this time" sehun asked

"It was a continuous flashback, I saw that person who saved my life" I said thinking about that boy

"we are not here to listen stories, you are already late, so 200 pushups now" kai stood in front of me , his hands folded on his chest, is he taking revenge of one slap by 200 pushups better than that just punch me.


Kai pov

Coming back from my schedule, I saw tune walking on the road. I stopped my car near her and called her but she didn't listened to me,

she was lost somewhere, I called her two three times more and then she snapped out of her dream and paid attention me.

She didn't reacted the same, as she used to react when we used to see any of the member, no smile on her face, no cheerful eyes. She came inside the car and sat down quietly.

Maybe her mood is little upset today, I rode car toward a beautiful spot I knew in our territory that place could cheer anyone's mood.

Maybe her mood is little upset today, I rode car toward a beautiful spot I knew in our territory that place could cheer anyone's mood

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We reached there, it was a beautiful place with full farm of tulips of all colors but still she didn't seemed excited. She just sat down on the grass, so even I sat down beside her.

"You seem upset" I asked her and she nodded

"Why are you not in your school uniform, why are you wearing this black dress, have you skipped school to go on a date" I asked angrily "did he rejected you, that's why are you upset" my words soften

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