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now I have only five days left to find out, that's really tiring, I thought I would get to know quickly and then try to spend these days to know much about him but al these days are just running by to know who is the one

"Could you please concentrate" kai said irritatingly while he was training me

"Can werewolves get divorce from their soul mate" I asked him

"What" he seemed surprised from my question

"Yes, if would turn out that you are my soul mate, I would divorce you next moment" I said angrily, annoyed my his continous taunts

"well I am sorry to say they can't but I try to be a better husband" he said walking closer to me " and give a best quality poison so you could die without any pain" he said with a fake smile on his face.

"well I am sorry to say they can't but I try to be a better husband" he said walking closer to me " and give a best quality poison so you could die without any pain" he said with a fake smile on his face

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"That's so nice of you, I would gladly mix that in your food" I said with screeching my lips into it's extend to show my happiness

"I would never steal kai's food if they will get chosen" we turned and saw baekhyun said that we fear on his face , standing with suho near entrance

"If you will then it would be you last mistake" suho laughed at him

"It would be worse for our mental health hyung, as I already get exhausted by hearing them fight all the time while they are training" Chanyeol said while wiping his sweat using a towel

"That's all his fault he told me to train his feisty one" kai said to suho

"Okay, I am gonna give you relief today, I am taking her with me" suho said tapping Kai's shoulder

"On a date" baekhyun asked with a pervert smile, god why is he like this, but he is fun

"No, to show our territory bounder" suho said

"I'll go anywhere, if it's away from this person" I said dramatically, kai glared at me and

"Wear this" kai threw his jacket on my face

"Are you crazy" I shouted at him

"Aeri" suho said calmly to me "you should wear it, it will prevent your smell to scatter around our boundary" he explained

"But it's so sweaty" I was disgusted

"That's why it's more helpful" Chanyeol said "if you don't like his, you can take mine" he offered and I extended my arm to take his

"But let me tell you he didn't wash it since three days' baekhyun warned me and I quietly wore kai's shirt.

It smelled like sandal wood, so kai's smell is off sandal wood. It's really amazing, even his sweat smells so nice, I started sniff more

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