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Okay, this time I am gonna touch it, he is so magnificent. The giant wolf closes his eyes and leans his head toward me.

I am really eger to run my fingers through his furs. Hearing some scratching sound I turned back and I saw huge black paw with long claws scratching the ground and

Those red eyes

It was getting harder to breath, I was lying on my bed and my eyes were filled with tears, I wasn't able to understand whats happening my whole body felt numb,

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It was getting harder to breath, I was lying on my bed and my eyes were filled with tears, I wasn't able to understand whats happening my whole body felt numb,

I wasn't able to speak anything just little squeals escaped my mouth. My whole body was secluding like my soul gonna escape my body.

My whole body froze, I was shivering badly then suddenly I saw someone holding me up and made me sit on the bed, it was suho.

While standing near me he hugged me tightly while rubbing my arm continuously,

I saw tune sitting near my legs all tensed, then I saw members coming inside running, they all seemed really worried.

They all were taking something to each other but I was able to hear nothing.

They forcefully made me to eat something green  pill and after it was all blank.

I woke up and found tune was sitting beside me, half lying on the bed, sleeping. I felt like my head gonna bust, I felt soo suffocated.

I held my phone placed on the table and saw; it was next day's night, that means I slept for whole day.

I got up and made tune lay completely on the bed and tugged her in blanket and drank a glass of water and walked out to stretch my legs. My whole body felt sore by lying whole day.

Last time it was half-moon but this time it's quarter half. What happened to me? I remember it's not the first time, two years before same thing happened to me and still the reason is unknown.

"You should have be resting" suddenly someone stood beside me, I turned my head, it was suho

"You should have be resting" suddenly someone stood beside me, I turned my head, it was suho

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"I had enough rest" I said looking away

"Are you feeling well now" he asked and I nodded

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