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I covet her

A Horseman's wants and desires are not wise to ignore.

An hour ago, there was light, so Abbie thought as she walked out of the police station into total darkness

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An hour ago, there was light, so Abbie thought as she walked out of the police station into total darkness. If not for the lit parking lot, she would need a flashlight to get to her car. Night came quickly these days, but the blackness that came at 4 pm was rather strange for anywhere. Abbie pulled the short leather jacket tight around her body as an icy wind whipped around her.  She had no idea what to wear sometimes, but it was apparent that she had chosen incorrectly this time as the wind's ferocity increased.

"Oh God!" she buried her left ear into her shoulder as she walked across the quiet parking lot. Crane's words about her lacking proper accessories for the weather filled her head. She agreed with him at this very moment, but she would never tell him that. The strength of the wind tripled, forcing Abbie away from her intended direction. She reached out and grabbed the closed truck gate her right, but the oppressive force proved too strong and ripped her away from her anchor. She stumbled towards the line of forest trees on the east side of the parking lot. As soon as she stood before them, the wind stopped.

Abbie quickly moved her hair from her face and began backing away from the crackling sounds coming from the darkness behind the trees. The growls and red eyes sent her running in fear. The creature burst through the foliage and chased after her. Moloch had sent his pets to retrieve her and bring her back to him. The prehensile tail of one of the creatures whipped forward and tangled in Abbie's feet. As she fell towards the ground, she drew her weapon and twisted her body so that she would land on her back. She aimed and tried to fire, but another dog-like pet knocked the gun away. The first creature's claws ripped across the front of her jacket. The smell of blood and the searing pain from her chest caused a scream to pull from her throat that filled the black night. Her screaming did not deter the dog-like creatures from completing their mission of bringing back the witness. They each grabbed a leg and began dragging her towards the blackness of the forest.


Abbie struggled to free herself even as the pain in her chest began to grow. Crane would never find her if they pulled her inside the forest. He expected her home in thirty minutes and would come looking for her if she did not answer his call. Abbie began screaming and kicking her attackers with all the energy that she could muster. Another wind began to swirl the leaves in the parking lot, and the creatures noticed and stopped their attack. Abbie stopped fighting and watched them scenting the air. The sound of thunder began to fill her ears. She should flee while they are distracted, but Abbie could not find the strength. She raised her hand towards her right breast and felt moisture. A weak moan escaped her, and she placed her hand on her breast to stop the blood flow. The Sleepy Hollow lieutenant used what strength remained in her body and rolled onto her stomach despite the horrible pain it caused. Her attackers forgot about her and waited to see what was coming from the forest.  The thundering horse hooves left no mistake of the Horseman's arrival. She had to flee.

His horse named Daredevil broke through the foliage like a battering ram

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His horse named Daredevil broke through the foliage like a battering ram. Abraham could smell her blood and sense her fear. The pets stared at him atop his horrible mount, waiting to see what he would do. Finally, the Headless Horseman dismounted with his ax strapped to his back, and the creatures growled at him. They could sense that he was not there to help them.

Abbie slowly inched her way towards an SUV, still pressing her hand to her right breast. She gently twisted her body so that her back lay against the rear right tire. She held her wound tighter and watched the carnage the Horseman perpetrated upon Moloch's pets. He had one by the neck and squeezed until the bones cracked and turned to dust in his hands. He dropped the dead creature, grabbed the tail of the other, and swung it into a tree. He pulled his ax from its sheath and beheaded the beast with one blow. Abbie's vision blurred, but she fought to stay conscience and tried to stand as the Horseman returned the ax to the sheath on his back. He began walking towards her with heavy and confident steps.

"No," she tried to stand, but her body held no strength. Something unseen from Moloch's pets had seeped into the wound and caused her weakness. The headless warrior looked down and then squatted before her. His muscled arm circled her waist, and as he stood, so did she. Abbie's head fell forward, and her long black hair spilled onto the Horseman's clothing. She felt power running through his body before she drifted into sleep.

The Horseman's mighty hand touched the crown of her head and gently guided her head backward. His hand slowly trailed down the left side of her forehead and down towards her cheek. She was as beautiful as his dreams. After he had killed the sheriff, the dreams about her began. Although he had Katrina as revenge against his former friend Ichabod Crane, he had lost interest in convincing her to love him. Instead, he had stopped talking to her and started leaving the house to keep an eye on Abbie and keep her safe from harm. He kept his desires to himself. He wanted all of his attention on this witness. For the moment, he did not want to slice any more necks unless he had to protect this woman; the less who knew his desires, the safer their necks would be.

Abbie slowly opened her eyes and saw a blonde-haired man with deep blue eyes staring back at her. The stern and handsome face of the Horseman of death looked as normal as any other man. She was mesmerized until her chest flared with pain. Her body stiffened with the pain, and she made a sound of discomfort. Soft hairs touched her face as the man lowered his head towards the area giving her pain.

"No," she tried to push him away, but he just tightened his arm around her waist. She could feel the power that he held in check but continued her fight. She would not die in the arms of her enemy. Abbie watched the blonde head move downward, and then she felt a slow burn on her right breast. His tongue contacted her skin and began to sear the wound together as it slowly ran across it. Another scream from the lieutenant filled the dark and empty parking lot.  Her flesh burned as if it were on fire. The feeling overwhelmed her, and darkness claimed her. Her body went limp in his arms, and her head fell backward. Abraham stared at her long smooth neck with a longing to taste her skin. Her blood was sweet as he thought it would be. He raised his hand and gently ran his fingertips down her flawless brown skin.

"To take what Ichabod possesses would be sweet revenge. Would he take Katrina back and give me you?" Abraham's hand ran over the cooling scar on her right breast. The mark would leave her skin in three moons' time and heal her of Moloch's poison. The white demon horse snorted smoke and walked towards his master. He bowed down as Abraham pulled Abbie tighter to his body and quickly climbed onto the saddle. Daredevil straightened and began a slow walk towards their enemy's home.

Author's Notes

I thank you for reading this Sleepy Hollow Fanfiction and hope that you enjoyed it. Please feel inspired to FOLLOW ME, VOTE, and or leave a COMMENT.~ Bleuple

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