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Chapter II

The blinding white fog that rolled down Abbie's street at 5 pm did not disturb the neighborhood in the slightest. Things such as this were a common occurrence in Sleepy Hollow, and the people that lived there had just learned to accept it. But, unfortunately, what the fog hid inside was not something that they wanted to witness.

Abraham held his unconscious beauty against his chest as Daredevil slowly walked towards the house near the end of the street. A rare smile graced the face of the Horseman as he looked down at Abbie. Who would have thought that Henry spoke the truth; and that removing the link that held him to Katrina would not imprison him but set him free? He knew that Henry only did this to bring more pain to his mother. Although Henry denied that was the reason, Abraham knew better.

The Hessian leader explained that the rider of death had to be unencumbered. He had to be the most powerful. Henry might have been right about his freedom, but Abraham knew that the warlock had not seen this in his visions. He had not seen the witness Abigail Mills as the Horseman of death desire. This woman stayed on his mind because of her unwillingness to back down no matter the odds she would fight for the good. Her feelings would be true, and he would know the truth of where he stood with her. He would have to prove himself to her. He would have to prove that he was trustworthy after he had done so much to harm her.  Abraham felt cheated of happiness because of Katrina and Ichabod's betrayal. His feelings were contrary to his master, Moloch, who wanted death. Abraham wanted life and freedom.

Wanting freedom was a difficult decision. Moloch would indeed send his army after his favorite rider if he knew what he and Henry were doing. Henry himself was uncertain of his role. War stood on the crossroads and did not know which way to turn. Though he and Henry were both troubled in their spirits, they were a welcomed distraction to each other. Neither had the answers to cure what ailed them; peace came when they were together and silent. They often sat outside watching the sunrise over the dark forest to show its beauty to them. They had no intention of enslaving this world and handing it over to Moloch. Their master only wanted darkness when there was beauty in the light of day.

Katrina became suspicious of their friendship, warning Abraham that Henry would only betray him.  She wanted to know what they talked about on their walks. She said that Henry would only tell Moloch about his desires when he knew she was more likely to betray him. Her hidden desires were plain for him to see. No one knew of his passions, not even Henry. She sought to manipulate him and make him turn against her son. She did not want him and Henry to become friends. She did not like how Henry smiled and laughed with Abraham, and then he would turn to her and scowl. He would not lift the spell around the Horseman's home even though Abraham let her go wherever she wanted. The question of why she did not leave only made them sure that she was working with someone. Torture and death usually followed such a revelation, but he and Henry were only annoyed that she was there all the time.

When Henry was not with the Horseman, he spent most of his time searching for Abraham's head, neglecting his Hessian. He knew how dangerous it was to leave these humans alone without supervision. These humans always had thoughts of grandeur. Without their master to lead them, chaos would walk the earth. They were causing many problems with Abbie and Ichabod. Soon Henry would have to meet with Moloch and explain their straying from his plans. Hiding what he was doing would not be easy, but Henry had tricks that even fooled the powerful Moloch.

Abbie made a soft moan as Abraham slid down from the saddle with her tight against his chest. He picked her up bridal style and walked towards her front door. The spell Henry surrounded him with unlocked it for him, and Abraham walked inside the darkened room. The Horseman looked at the lamp in the corner, and it illuminated the room. He continued through the house until he reached her bedroom. Deep rich colors greeted him as he gently laid her on the soft comforter and then joined her on the bed. She still slept as he stared down at her beautiful face. She looked peaceful despite the near kidnapping.

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