Chance to shine

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Its 1989, December ,
                                      I am Joy ,a player of Kolkata league . I just completed this League with 245 runs and 18 wickets in 9 matches.  and I have a chance to get a chance as an pace bowling All-rounder in the Ranji matches for BENGAL in the very next year . A good is happening that Bengal will face Delhi in the finals of Ranji Trophy this year . And we want Bengal to win it for second time . Bengal won in 1939 for the last time. This will be held in Delhi stadium after 2 days . Sambaran Bannerjee just lead Bengal like a cool player.

After one day ,
                           I am in full tension as many things happened in my life from this morning . At first I just woke up and got a call and fortunately it was CAB .

They said ," We want you as an Batting All rounder in the final ."

I was just confused as it is a big time for me but if I get flopped in the finals then I will never get any chance from Bengal . But I could not say that I want this offer next year as then I will get more chances because they will take any other player that's why I just said ," Can I play well in the Debut match as there will be a pressure of Final ? "

They said with a cool manner ," When a 17 years old boy can play his debut match in the final ... why can't you ?"

I said ," I am Just 13 .. Ok I will play . But who is the 17 years old player ? "

They said , " Thanks .. we knew you will accept the offer . By the way the 17 years old player is Sourav Ganguly the brother of Snehasish Ganguly. "

After the call I thought ," Oh .. they dropped Snehasish Ganguly ... why ? And pick up an unknown player SOURAV GANGULY !

Now I am confused and going out for some field works .

After 3 hours of field work ,I return to home... but I don't want to talk now . After taking my dinner I was going to sleep as I want myself fresh in the next morning. While going to my room , I just hear a bit of sports news where the reporter is saying ," Srikanth is not getting proper openers for upcoming world cup . A 14 years boy named Tendulkar showed his power against Pak express bowlers after even hit by the bowl on his nose."

I ," A 14 years boy .... "

I go to bed .... what will happen now ?

I am ready to SHINE .

The First chapter is here .. we will see what happens in the next chapters ! Chance to Shine !

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