Revenge [S2 Chapter 4]

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Disclaimer: This chapter will mention deaths words like: k*ll, m*rder, brutal k*lling. If you feel uncomfortable, please safely exit the video.


"We know who killed your Father,"
Sir Park said before turning around, commanding the guards to bring him in.

"Choi Sung won.."
Suddenly an old man who was tied up was dragged in the room, turning Taehyung's attention towards him.

"Well, I took an oath from someone to change and not kill innocent people, but..."

" killed my Father."
He stared intently at the man who looked up at him in fear and terror, Taehyung turned towards Jimin and nodded (telling him to pull off the rope off his mouth)

"Y-your h-ighness, I p-romise it wasn't m-me,"
His voice was very shaky and he tried his best to beg to Taehyung.

"If it wasn't you, who was it then?"
Taehyung took out his knife and placed it against his neck.

"I-I g-ave it t-o y-ou rem-ember?"
He eyes were baling out tears as Taehyung and the guards looked surprised.

Taehyung looked at the guards and gestured them to go outside except for Sir Park and Sir Jung.

"I-I would kill my o-wn Father,"
Taehyung began laughing hideously by the man's joke, thinking that he was making an excuse.

"Y-es, 20 years ago you said you came back in time to kill your own father, Kim Taeyung. Don't you remember?"
He explained really fast, not enough for Sir Park and Jung to understand.

"...Kim Taeyung,"
Taehyung gritted his teeth, realising that his own brother was the murderer.

Sir Jung and Sir Park's eyes widened realising what was happening. They looked at Taehyung who's eyes turned red in pure anger.

"Kill him,"
Taehyung muffled as he couldn't control his words while Sir Park looked confused.

Taehyung suddenly stabbed the man mercilessly as the body fell on the ground with a pool of blood.

With heavy breaths, Taehyung dropped his knife onto the floor and looked at his shaky, bloody hands before crying loudly.


Past time (Taehyung's father reign)

Taeyung finally arrived in the time where his father lived. Suddenly he saw a man sitting on the table with a newspaper.

"W-who are you?"
Taeyung asked as the man turned his attention towards him and looked at him up and down before standing up

" must be the king's son from the future, why did you return?"
He walked towards him and bowed down to him, making Taeyung confused.

"What do you mean?"
He asked not remembering anything, but the man chuckled.

"You must not remember me since you were a baby when you and your mother escaped..."

"Oh thank you for helping me and my mother escaped, I've lived a better future."
Taeyung bowed in gratitude as they began to talk for awhile.

"How old is the prince right now?"
Taeyung asked in curiosity as the man thought about it for a second.

"You mean your brother... he's now 10 years old,"
After hearing that, Taeyung immediately hearing the answer, he nodded before going out.

"I'll get going now.."


Walking out he saw people riding horses and the time machine place was in the same place as the future.

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