Chapter 1

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****3rd Person POV****

6 year old Hayley was minding her own business. Usually playing outside seemed like a good idea to her. Getting a bit messy at times did too, though it angered her mother.

This day was a special day. It was the first day of kindergarten. A big day for all children you could say. Being the curious child she is, she went around back to her house. A boy with with curly hair, was found digging in her yard.

"Hey! You can't do that here! That's my moms garden!" Hayley yelled to the older boy.

The boy looked up, a bit startled at first, but soon he gave a smirk.
"What are you gonna do about it?" He asked mockingly.
Hayley was a bit taken back by this boy's attitude. She didn't like it one bit.

"I can call my mom!" She said, not really knowing what else she could really do.

The boy raised an eyebrow and stopped messing around the flowers.
"Ooo Im so scared! Goldie locks is going to call her mommy!" He laughed, wiping his muddy hands.

Hayley shuffled her feet, embarrassed, holding her golden hair. From that moment on Hayley decided her hair wouldn't be golden when she grew up, she'd make sure of it.

"That's what I thought!" The curly haired boy said.

"What's your name!?" Hayley demanded. Maybe she could tell her mom later about it.

The boy scoffed, "Taylor. Bye!" The boy, named taylor, said as he heard the engine of his bus approaching. He grabbed his backpack and ran across three people's yard into another street.

Taylor. Hayley will remember that name.


Hayley's age: 15
Taylor's age: 15
Jeremy's age: 17

*****Hayley's POV*****

First concert! Heck yes! This makes it all better especially since Jeremy and Jack decided to come along. We all loved Mewithoutyou so why not? Besides, my mom wouldn't have let me go if it wasn't for Jeremy. I guess my mom thought he's like my bodyguard or something just because he's older. Oh well, Jeremy lets me get away with stuff and I don't mind it.

The queue was finally going down. It was drizzling a bit and only the street lights lit up the sidewalk in which we all stood in line.

"You ready for this!?" Jeremy asked jumping up and down. I laughed and nodded. I was actually extremely nervous but I didn't want him to know that.

"jack!? Ready?" Jeremy asked. Jack just stood there with his hoodie over his head trying to keep the rain from ruining his poorly made Mohawk.

"Whatever gets us out of this rain faster!" We all laughed.


Finally! We were in, and we actually made it pretty close. I tried to get as close to the center as possible. A tall boy with a beanie stood in front of me. I frowned, I couldn't see a thing. I am only 5 feet!

The opening act began and everyone cheered. I did as well. They were pretty good, even if I couldn't see them. Maybe this guy will move when Mewithoutyou comes on, I thought.

The next act came around and the boy still didn't budge.

"Pst. Hayles can you see?" Jeremy asked looking down at me. I shrugged and shook my head, "I don't care if i don't see the opening acts. I just want to see Mewithoutyou." I said. Jeremy nodded.

"Want to get on my shoulders?" He teased. I laughed and pushed him a bit.

The whole room went dark as finally... MEWITHOUTYOU CAME ON!! The boy didn't budge. I thought he would. While my favorite band was playing their first song I decided it was now or never.
I tapped the guy on the shoulder, he turned around, he looked around a bit confused then finally landed his eyes on mine, looking down at me.

He had long curly hair, with chocolate brown eyes. A kind face. It gave me hope that maybe he would move.

"Um.. Excuse me but could you move a little to the right?" I asked, trying not to be a bother. He laughed a little and shook his head, turning back around. Well. That didn't go as expected.

"Hey! Cmon don't be a dick! She's like half your size, let her in front!" Jeremy said. Jack just looked at him nervously, not knowing whether to cut in or not.

The curly head turned to see Jeremy.

"What? Do you think I'm not here to see Mewithoutyou either?! They're my favorite band! I'd like to be with them as close as possible." The boy said. Jeremy looked a bit disgusted.

"Well is one step back going to kill you?" Jeremy said. I was staring to get a little scared. This guy was about Jeremy's size, though Jeremy was strong it didn't mean that guy was any weaker.

"Jerm. It's fine it's fine. At least I can hear the music." I tried to put on a smile but it came out weak.

Jack frowned and looked down at me grabbing my shoulders, "come here hayles, I think you get a better look. You can stand on my feet if that helps a little." He smiled trying to cheer me up.
I nodded and moved to where he was.

jack tapped jeremy and told him to drop it. The curly haired boy turned back around, but before he turned, he looked at me with a sad glance but soon turned tough-like again. Weird.
Surprisingly I could see pretty well when I stood on Jack's feet since he had on pretty thick tennis shoes. He held onto my shoulders to keep me from falling. I finally got lost in the music, and even caught a guitar pick! It was an amazing show after all.


"That was a hell of a show!" Jack cheered as we got out of the venue. We started walking back to where Jeremy's car was.
"Yeah it was! High-five dude!"
Jeremy and Jack jumped and high-fived each other in the air. We all laughed like idiots. We heard a thunder and rain came pouring down. I looked up at the sky. It was beautiful, so dark.

"Ah! My Mohawk!" Jack whined. I laughed and ruffled his hair.
"I think that's a sign that that hair due doesnt work for Ya!" I said. He pouted and pushed me a little causing me to do turn.

It was as if I had gone in slow motion. The same boy was walking right behind us, and I saw him give me a small smile before crossing the street and getting into a car.
I know it was only about a second that I got to see but it felt as if I had gone in slow motion.

"Cmon Hayles!!" Jeremy yelled and pulled me towards him. I had forgotten it was pouring rain. I giggled as he put me on his back and ran. Jack was right behind us as well. I got out my camera I had used for the show. I really loved photography so for Christmas my mom got me a professional camera. I started recording.

"Woooo!!" Jeremy yelled as he ran with me on his back. I put the camera on his face as he stuck his tounge out. I laughed and pointed the camera behind me, recording Jack running with us in the pouring rain.

"BOO!" Jack jailed as I laughed and put the camera on my face.

"We just went to Mewithoutyou concert!!!" I yelled. About a week ago I had started to use the camera as a diary. Or really just recording the best moments of my life. This was definitely one of them. I stopped recording once I said that and put it around my neck once again.

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