5 | The Places

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****HAYLEY POV****

"Finally!" Cheered Lynn as she got up and gave me a rapid hug, making us spin in the process. I giggled, "Cmon it wasn't that long!"

Babiski got up and handed me a juice box,
"Well it took you time." He smiled. I gladly took it, "juice boxes? Really babinski?" I told him.
(A/N since there's two Alex's (alex Gaskarth from all time low and alex babinski from pvris we'll call alex from pvris, babinski)

"Whatever. I'm here! What are we gonna do today?" I asked sitting around the small fire Jack had probably made. Alex was texting on his phone as he looked up and smiled,
"You got a swimsuit?" He asked.
"With me? No, not like I carry that in my backpack." I said chuckling.

"Well we wouldn't know since you won't let none of us see in it! Not even me, your best friend." Jeremy pouted.
"Hey watch it with the best friend card! I'm her best friend." Lynn said. We all laughed.

"You're all my best friends. You're the only people I can tolerate." I said.
Babinski gave me a hurt look and gasped,
"Tolerate?! What's that supposed to mean!"

"Ok guys shut up now! Guess who's back and has found a new place to chill at during the summers??" Alex said.
We all stayed quite awaiting the answer.
"Jenna's back! McDougall is at it again, she was exploring and came across this small waterfall and lake up more north in these forests. It's kind of a long walk but we'll find a short cut."
Alex said getting up.

"Sweet!" Brian said.
"Are you guys in!?" Alex said hopping up and down on his tiptoes awaiting our answer.

Everyone cheered and got up.
"What about the swimsuits?" I asked.
Jack chuckled and walked beside me since everyone was following behind Alex.

"Don't worry about that. As long as you have a bra and underwear on, you have a swimsuit." He chuckled. I laughed and nodded walking behind Jeremy and Lynn.

"Is Jenna gonna meet us there then?" Jack called to alex. He nodded, "she's texting me the directions."
Funny, there really isn't any directions other than 'go left on that tree that has a dick carved in it' kind of thing.

Soon we all saw an opening to the trees.

"Check point!" Alex cheered.
Everyone else cheered as we saw the lake before us. It was really beautiful. To our right was the small water fall and it was amazing. To the other side of the lake were more trees, it seemed pretty secluded.

"Hey guys!" Came that Australian accent. We all turned to our left and saw Jenna, grinning as we all hug tackled her.

"Jeez didn't know you missed me this much!"
She laughed, letting us go from the group hug.
"Course we do! You're on the other side of the world during summers!" Jack said.

"Well what are we waiting for? Strip!" Jenna laughed and started taking off her shirt.

I put my back pack beside a tree as I took off my jeans and shirt, leaving me in only underwear and bra. I looked up and saw everyone stripped down to their underclothes.

"Let's go to that cliff up there and Jump off." Jenna said pointing to the cliff beside the waterfall.
"Let's go!" Jeremy said as we all raced to the cliff.

Once we reached it, we noticed a giant house at the top of a hill, very close to the lake. I hope we weren't passing onto private land.

"Who's first?" Jenna asked. Looking down onto the water from the cliff. I looked down, it wasn't too high up, but if your head or body landed on a rock you'd probably die..

"Not me.." Jack and Babinski backed up. Brian looked unsure, rubbing his sides.

"Fine. Step aside ladies. since you're all too chicken to do it, I'll go." Lynn said pushing through the guys. She still didn't look so confident herself, but at least she stepped up first.

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