25 | Time (final)

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***** HAYLEY'S POV *****

It's funny.

Life is, I mean. You are born into a family that you didn't choose. Surrounded by people whom you didn't choose to be around either. You just happen to be there just like everyone else. Getting by in life because for some reason the being above decided to give you life, filled with choices. Those choices bring consequences that will lead to more choices.

It's just funny to me how it all works.

I met Taylor that way. Choices. A choice that was made by my and his parents. They both decided to move into Nashville. Because of them we met, and it wasn't necessary that we did but the beings of above thought it would be a good idea. I think it was a bad idea.

"Hayley?" Jeremy said entering my room.

It was December now. Christmas Eve to be precise.

"Yeah?" I looked up from my book. I was sitting criss crossed on my bed. His coat was covered in snow and he had on a beanie, keeping his long hair out of his face.

"It's time to drink eggnog and open some presents. Josh and Zac came over too. Your dad invited them." He smiled and opened his coat, revealing his cheesy Christmas sweater.

"You got yours too right?" He smirked.

I smiled and nodded. Getting up I walked over to my closet and put it on.

He smiled and gave me a thumbs up when I turned around.

"Looks great. Cmon." He grabbed my hand as we walked into the living room.

Zac and Josh were seated in my living room talking with my dad. Everyone had their cheesy Christmas sweaters on. It was a nice sight. It was even snowing outside!

"Hayley!" Josh smiled and got up. He hugged me tightly before I turned to Zac and hugged him as well.

Lately they've been my only friends. Jeremy, Josh and Zac. Josh Dun ended up moving two weeks after Taylor did. He moved to Ohio because he wanted to go to college there in two years. He said he might as well move now.

Jenna and Lynn weren't around as often now. Our bonfires didn't feel the same now. Austin and Alan were off with Jack and Alex all the time messing around with the school and getting in trouble. I was just getting tired of being a badass all the time and making stupid choices.

Choices. It was my life. I didn't want to be an outcast or a troublemaker. I just wanted to be me and be in my own category. With my three best friends.

I sat down next to Josh as Jeremy sat to my other side. My dad walked over with four presents.

"Here."' He said handing us each a present,
"It's not much but I hope you guys like it."

I smiled as everyone opened up their presents.

"Oh nice! New converse! Thanks so much Mr.Williams." Josh said taking his old sneakers off and putting on his new shoes. I smiled as he stepped around the house looking down at them.

"No problem Josh."

"Is that why you asked my shoe size Hayley?" Josh raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah! I'm sneaky right?" I laughed.

He just shook his head and looked away,
"I thought it was because you wanted to know how big my- I thought you wanted to know something else." He blushed.

"Ew! Grows! Hayley doesn't want to know that Josh." Jeremy laughed.
I just shrugged it off because I honestly had no idea what they were talking about.

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