2 | And you are?

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****HAYLEY'S POV****

Only two days since the concert have gone by and today is Sunday. The day I must work... Ugh. Good thing that it's summer. But honestly I don't mind it too much. It's a music shop down the street from my neighborhood so I can ride my bike to and from my house from here. To not have a diver's license or at least a learners is pretty dumb at age 15 right? What can I say? Jeremy usually takes me places and it's not like my family can afford paying for another car right now.

Anyways, during my job I can put on some music for the shop, play guitar, play piano, play drums. I can really just mess around in the shop until someone comes by, which isn't very often on Sundays so this is my 'fooling around day'.

I smiled as I pulled out the blink-182 self-titled album and put it in the stereo. Asthenia started playing as I popped a strawberry into my mouth, dancing around.

"Should I go back should I go back should I?!" I Sang jumping around. I grabbing a guitar and started playing the song, having my own mini performance for absolutely no one. The song was over as I hopped back over to the stereo. I just slid a warped madness or something like that into the stereo. It has a bunch of different artists.

'Til kingdom come' came on as the bell on the door rang. In came two guys.... One guy really caught my attention. It was that dick from the concert!

An older man stood with him, and had sunglasses on, what an asshole. Who has sunglasses put on when you're inside?
I sighed and stopped myself from judging any further, though I was still really ticked at that guy with the curly afro from the concert.

The sunglasses guy came up to the desk.

I put on a smile,
"May I help you?" I said.
The guy sighed and nodded taking his glasses off and rubbing his temples.

"Yeah. Look I just need you to recommend the best guitar for my little brother over there as fast as possible. We have a tight schedule." He pointed to the afro boy. He just stood there, awkwardly looking around.

"Uhm... Sure come on back." I lead them to the rack of guitars.

"I can order you guys one custom made if you don't like any of the ones you see here." I suggested.

"Taylor, just come here and tell the young lady what you want." The guy said.


Something clicked in my mind about that name. I don't know any Taylor though... Why does that name ring a bell?!

"Fine Justin." The boy named taylor came to me. He gave me an awkward glance, maybe he remembered that incident a few days ago where him and jeremy almost tore their heads off?

"So what kind of body would you want?" I asked, holding a notepad ready to write in order to order the custom.

"Body?.. Uhm well I want it to be fender... Jazzmaster body." He gave me a flirtatious smile. Smirking as if he was trying to impress me?

I returned the smile, trying to put my anger aside. Who does he think he is?
"Well I have one in stock right now!" I said, getting the guitar out of the rack.

He smiled widely as I handed it to him, he examined it very closely.

"This seems great! Does it have a fat cap pickup?" He asked. I nodded, someone knew their stuff instead of me having to explain it all the time. I didn't mind since I got to blabber about my favorite things but it was nice for a change.

"Thanks.." He said grabbing a guitar case from the wall.
"Taylor I'll wait in the car. Hurry." Justin said as he excited the store.

"I love this song." He said smiling at 'Til Kingdom Comes'
Ok this guy isn't so bad.. From what I know so far.

"Me too. Come with me to the cash register." He nodded and walked beside me, his cream colored jazz master in hand.

"that'll be $445.99" i said. We actually made good business today.
He nodded and handed over the money.

I might as well ask now than never.
"Hey, aren't you that guy from the concert?" I asked.
He looked up and raised an eyebrow, "what concert? And you are?"
I rolled my eyes a bit. I knew it was him, I just wanted him to admit he was being a dick.
"Hayley." I said after putting the cash away.
"And Ya know that concert. The Mewithoutyou concert where you wanted to be as close as possible but couldn't bother moving an inch for five foot me?" I stated.

He laughed and put his guitar in its case.

"Hayley. I'll remember that. And sorry but You got the wrong guy sweetie."
he winked And without another word he left.

I was angered. Why does he have to be like that!! I don't like flirting, I've never understood it or was good at it. In fact, I found it disrespectful.

I grunted and sat down on the stool, pushing myself around.
my phone vibrated
:| Jerm; haylessss. You off work now? Alex and Jack wanted for us to go to the beach tomorrow and we need to go to the store today.

Me; NOPE! Only a few more minutes. I still need Mr.Green to be here in order for me to close up!

Jerm; poo :( he better hurry up! He isn't taking away my Hayley time!

I laughed to myself and put my phone away as soon as I hear the door open. In came Mr.Green panting. He fixed his circular glassed and wiped some sweat from his forehead and from his bald spot. He rubbed his mustache as he put his suitcase down. He was about my size, and always had a smile on his face.

"Hayley! I am so sorry I'm late. Please, you may get off work early." He said putting his suitcase away.

"But.. I need the money.." I said. I wasn't gonna take only half of the that paycheck.

"Don't worry you're not loosing any money. It's on me. I left you here alone when your dad told me specifically not to." He said.
I nodded and got off the stool, grabbing my light sweater and put it over my tank top. Then I grabbed my beanie and small backpack I carried my stuff in.

"Thank you, sir." I said as i excited the door, bag over my shoulder.

He nodded as I closed the door behind me and got my bike unlocked from the pole I usually locked it on.

I texted Jeremy a quick text, saying I was out and to be at my house in 30 minutes. Of course, it wouldn't take me that long to get to my house but I liked to ride around a park and chill after a long day of work. There was this specific tree I'd love to seat under. It reminded me of the tree we had at my moms house. It reminded me of all the good times I'd spent in Mississippi until I moved with my dad. I haven't heard from my mom in a while but oh well. It is how it is.

I turned a street corner, the sky was an orange color now, and I knew I had a curfew but... Fresh air was important right?

Parking my bike on the tree, I slide down to sit, my back against the tree. I watched little children play on the grass, and it made me feel happy. Smiling, I put my earbuds in as I turned on some music. I tapped my foot along to the beat.

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