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Warning: Slight spoiler from the manga.


"The list of final rankings are already posted at the school's bulletin board."

As always, Eichi didn't care about the rankings so she didn't bother to look at the lists when she has the time.

Three days already passed and the exams are finally done that fast. She hasn't been seeing Baji except when he's picking her up in the morning and dropping her off. He refused to have a time with her as long as it is still their exams.

Maybe I can see him now, I guess?

She decided to drop by his room to see him since exams are already done. Just like expected, the hallways is crowded because of the release of rankings. Not to mention, the bulletin board is near Baji's room.

Eichi peeked inside of the room when she got there, searching for him. Luckily, she immediately saw him. Looking too far away from the window like he's being drown to his thoughts. Its already lunch break so barging in to second years room is not a big deal.

She walked towards him and sat on the seat in front of him. "Baji~" she whispered that made him snapped back to this world. His eyes widened when he saw Eichi in front of him.

"Senpai!" he shouted in surprise that made his classmates silent. Eichi pursed his lips and closed her eyes. Silently dealing with the anxiousness she suddenly felt.

"Oops...sorry. Didn't mean to..." Baji said. "Should we get out?" he asked and she nodded as a response.

They left the room together... No one's talking between them. Just them walking till they reach the back of the building where there's only a line of tub and faucets that's usually used by the club athlete.

"Hey are you alright?" she decided to finally asked him, making him to stop walking. He's been unusually quite today...I wonder if he did bad on the exam or something happened that made him feels this way.

Instead of answering, he just smiled then patted her head. Eichi tried to read his mind by looking at his eyes but he suddenly softly slammed his forehead onto hers. "Stupid." he said.

"What?" she asked but he shook his head.

"I love you.... Always."

Unlike that night, the moment they jumped from the cliff, that 'I love you' of his feels a little different. It feels like he's saying goodbye to her. Did he seriously thought that we're literally splitting apart because of the exam? Eichi didn't know what to think anymore. She repeated it to him many times, no matter what the result is there's no breaking up happening.

"You're being weird today..." she said, worried. She held his chin and parted her forehead to his. "You can tell me if something's bothering you. Is it the exam?"

He shook his head again. Refusing to answering and kissed her cheek. "That's the first on your cheek." he said then smiled widely like nothing seems like bothering him just a few moments ago.

"Come on, we should look at the rankings to see the results." he said then held her hand. She didn't argue and let him dragged her.

For the first time, Eichi saw the rankings and she can't believe herself that she ranked first among hundreds of  students for this quarter.

" Phew. That's my girl for you. "She heard him say." You ranked first again. "he added the end looked at her.

She really can't believe it. It's like she's seeing something errors on the rankings.

𝚁𝙴𝙲𝙸𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙲𝙰𝚃𝙴 || Baji KeisukeWhere stories live. Discover now