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June 15
Luca swam up the beach on the island, where Alberto had first pulled Luca out of the water. He walked up, his feet becoming covered in sand. He shook himself completely, revealing his human form. He attempted to dry his clothes by squeezing them, draining excess water from them. The sun had already set, and the temperature had dropped. The breeze against the wet clothes sent shivers down his spine.
He turned out towards the water, looking out at the top of the body of water, waiting to see Alberto's head pop out from the surface.
"Luca! Up here!"
Luca spun around, facing the direction the sound came from, with once glance upwards he caught sight of Alberto. He was standing on the top of the tower, his arm waving back and forth, his normal grin visible from miles away.
Luca smiled to himself, before making his way to the tower, and began his climb upwards. Alberto offered him a hand, and he made it to the top. Luca covered his eyes with his arm, surprised by the lights.
"What is...going on?"
He slowly removed his arm, revealing a display of various lights, taken from the hideout, and candles. Along with two blankets laid on the ground, side by side, and a couple of astronomy books.
"Surprise!" Alberto gestured for Luca to walk towards the display.
"So, I heard the skies were supposed to be really clear tonight. Figured it'd be a good time to do some stargazing. That's...what it's called, right? The thing you always talk about with the telescope?"
Luca chuckled, making a small turn, really taking in the scenery.
"Yes, Beto, stargazing. I thought you didn't like stars."
Alberto crossed his arms, letting out a gust of air.
"Well, they've started to grow on me."
"Really? Why's that?"
Alberto looked up at the sky, spinning around slightly.
"You always talked about those uh...constellations?"
Luca nodded.
"The pictures in the sky."
"Yeah, those. You said my skin looked like that."
Luca's eyes were taken off of the sky, and he found himself watching Alberto, who was still admiring the stars.
"And I'm starting to see it. I kinda like it. I've started to see the pictures, ya know? I can connect them now."
Luca held his breath, and his mind began to race.
'He looks stunning.'
Alberto smiled, finally looking away from the sky.
"Well? Wanna do some stargazing? You can show me some new constellations."
Luca nodded, a smile growing on his face.
They made their way over to the blankets, and Alberto immediately collapsed onto the ground. His hands rested beneath his head, his elbows facing outwards.
Luca slowly made his way down, resting his hands on his chest.
"You know, I think you should be able to see my favorite stars tonight."
Alberto turned his head, looking at Luca.
"You have favorite stars?"
Luca nodded, squinting to get a better look at the sky.
"Yeah, I think I should be...aha! There!"
Luca lifted an arm up, pointing up to 2 stars.
"That one is Vega and" He shifted his arm over slightly to the right. "That is Altair."
Alberto furrowed his eyebrows, blinking a couple of times.
"They look like normal stars to me."
Luca laughed slightly, his shoulders shaking with every laugh he let out.
"They're in three different constellations. AND they're in my favorite constellation."
Alberto smiled, seeing the light begin to dance in Luca's eyes.
"Which is?"
"Cygnus the swan. It's always fascinated me more than any other one."
Alberto brought his attention back up to the stars, his eyes shifting between the both of them. He noticed how remarkably bright they were compared to those around them.
"Why those two specifically? Is it because they're really bright?"
Luca shook his head, and took in an inhale.

"They're lovers."

Alberto's breathing stopped, and he looked at Luca from the corner of his eye, biting down slightly on the inside of his mouth.
"The stars are lovers?"
"They represent lovers. Star-crossed lovers you could say." Luca laughed. "They can only meet once a year. On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. They cross a bridge and share time together. Even if it is a short amount of time."
Alberto stared at the sky, and he felt his hands grow incredibly tense.
"It's a classic story about a dad who doesn't approve. They're forbidden to meet. Very typical old story."
For a moment he could've sworn he felt Luca shift closer. He shut his eyes and told himself he was imagining things.
"I think they're really pretty, Luca."
Luca smiled to himself.
"The stars really are growing on you, huh?"
"Well when you associate stories with them, yeah."
Alberto paused, taking a couple of small breaths.

"Do you think there could be stories on my skin?"
Luca paused, before turning his head to face Alberto.
"On your skin?"
Alberto cleared his throat.
"Well, you said my skin looked like it has constellations on it. So, maybe there could be stories related to my constellations, maybe you could...make some up?"
Luca swallowed, feeling his face begin to warm up, seeing the genuine look in Alberto's eyes. He was tempted once more.

"You want me to write stories for your constellations?"
Alberto nodded, sitting up, and looking down at his arms.
"There's a lot of them. I've got a lot for you to work with. Look, these ones look like a little crescent moon." Alberto smiled, pointing to a group of freckles on his arm.
Luca made his way up, grabbing onto Alberto's arm, getting a closer look.
"Hah! You're totally right! It fits you."
Alberto's eyes went from the freckles, to up at Luca.
Luca thought for a moment.
"I can't explain it. But the moon just...fits you."
Alberto stifled a laugh, covering his mouth with his hand.
"Psh, okay. Whatever you say. You're the expert."
"There's your first story!"
Alberto's smile fell, and he looked at Luca, who had a new gleam in his eyes.

"This is your first official story, this moon right here. The moon waits around for the sun to rise, but to his dismay, the sun never comes up. He sits patiently until the day he sees the sun again, and finally be reunited. He just...doesn't know the sun isn't coming back."

Alberto watched as Luca's eyes fell, his thumb running over the freckles on his arm.
"I'm honored."
Luca looked up at Alberto, who gave him a small smile.

"Can you write more for me?"

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