Coming Darkness

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Shadepool's POV

"ShadowClan have faced some... complications, however we are healing and are still enduring," the ShadowClan leader stated hesitantly. "We also have lost a warrior, Thistletail, in a recent conflict ." The she cat paused, and hesitated before continuing. I wondered what could be so bad that she had trouble saying it. "As much as I hate to say this, we wish to apologize for anything we have recently done. It was a rash decision that we paid for as well." My eyes widened with shock, and my clanmates began murmuring among themselves. I couldnt believe it, the ShadowClan leader was apologzing, not to mention the rivalry between our Clans. The other Clans looked around confusedly, while Dawnstar shot Windstar a subtle, yet meaningful glance.

My leader nodded in response, her piercing green eyes softening slightly. The ShadowClan cats however, were obviously not consulted about this discussion. I looked to the left to see Ashfall's expression, but he just sat there patiently. The rest, however, were exchanging glances or sending glares towards their leader.

Birchstar cleared his throat loudly.
"WindClan is well, and have suffered no casualties. However I am proud to announce that one of our kits, Runningkit, now Runningpaw, is now the newest medicine cat apprentice," he purred. "Runningpaw, Runningpaw," the other Clans cheered halfheartedly. The shy apprentice dipped her head in acknowledgement.
It was now Windstar's turn, and she shifted slightly on her branch. "ThunderClan is well, but we have lost one of our warriors, Blazestorm." I grimaced slightly, however the pain of his death no longer stung as much. "Now, if Sparrowstar would like to speak," Windstar announced, allowing the RiverClan leader to step forward. The dark tabby stood impressively on the large oak.

"RiverClan is doing well, and we have three new apprentices. Ryepaw, Berrypaw, and Cedarpaw," Sparrowstar yowled, making sure every cat heard him. "Ryepaw, Berrypaw, Cedarpaw," cheered the Clans,though RiverClan was the loudest. Sparrowstar opened his mouth once more too speak but was cut off.

In the middle of the clearing stood a starry furred cat, their sightless blue eyes piercing the crowd. Beside him stood a pure white she cat with bright green eyes. "When the light fades, shadows will break through washing over the Clans," the tom spoke, his soft voice sounding through the silence. "The forgotten shall rise again and four will become three." There were now audible murmurs among the Clans. This time the white she-cat spoke. "Two from each remaining Clan will dive into the Rift, chosen by the stars." The cats of StarClan faded away into the night air, allowing room for panicked thoughts and confusion.

The gathering dissolved, and the Clans hurried back to their territories. "Bye," muttered Ashfall, sprinting off to his own Clan. ThunderClan was conversing loudly, some cats were worried, but most were on the offensive, prepared to face this new threat, but you could hear the quiver if fear in their voices. I was among the ones who were still unsure of what exactly that was about. Prophecies tend to have many meanings, and to attempt to make sense of it without further information could lead to misunderstanding. My mind, however, was focused on other things. Dawnstar apologized, in front of all four Clans. ShadowClan has always been the most secretive. They were too proud to apologize, especially to ThunderClan. Dawnstar had always been the more open leader, but I never thought she would do this.

Yawning heavily I curled into my warm nest, and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I had drifted off into a deep sleep.

Windstar's POV

We emerged from the thorn tunnel, and almost instantly the Clan was buzzing with the news of the gathering. Brackenclaw opened his mouth as if to speak, but stopped when I waved my tail in dismissal. I slipped behind the veil of ivy leading into my den. StarClan had finally spoken, but instead of the guidance we had hoped for, we got a warning. I laid down into my nest, curling my tail over my muzzle. I closed my eyes, ignoring the painful throbbing of my rib cage. My injuries after I lost a life still hurt, even though I told Juniperpetal that I was fine. She had enough to deal with at the moment.

Warrior Cats: Fate of the Clans-Shattered BordersWhere stories live. Discover now