Chapter 5

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"W..what?" Phil asked Grian, his face paling.

The threat about not being able to fly was nothing new to him, seeing as Dream had never allowed him to fly but there was something about this that made it 10x more terrifying.

Maybe because this has a chance of being permanent? He honestly doesn't know.

"Sadly the chances are there, not being able to fly" Grian gave him a sympathic look

"Can't you fix it G?" Xisuma asked the shorter male.

"Well, i can-" Grian started

This grabbed the attention of everyone in the room.

"You can? Really?" Phil asked looking at the man, he felt a small spark of hope light up within him.

"Well of course, i am an expert after all" Grian gave them a grin as he proudly puffed his chest

"But of course it's gonna be a very painful process and its gonna take a while for you to actually be able to fly again" Grian explained, crossing his arms he leaned over on the wall.


All eyes landed on Wilbur who was staring at Grian, suspicion evident in his face.

"I'm sorry? Why what?" Grian asked the male, giving him a semi-awkward smile.

Wilbur rolled his eyes at the question, scoffing.

"Why are you helping us? You barely even know us. What do you gain from this? I mean you must want something out of this"

Wilbur raised an eyebrow at the male as he scanned over the other two who was just standing there

"Well i mean helping people is nice? I suppose?" Grian answered but it came more off a question

"Are you asking me?" Wilbur gave him a look

"Well i guess i just want to help out, and besides Stress over here had kindly asked for my assistance so..." He answered, the grin returning onto his face.

"Wil, please." Phil mumbled looking over at the brunet,

"Alright now that's sorted, do you want to start now..?" Grian asked Phil, unsure if he was ready or not.

Phil gave it another thought before nodding "Yeah i think so"

Grian gave him a reasuring smile "Alright give me one sec, i'll be right back" He then rocketed out of the building.

"D..did he just leave..?" Wilbur asked his tone filled with amusement.

"He's probably grabbing his stuff" Stress gave them a reasuring smile.

"Phil are you sure about this? We hardly know the guy" Techno whispered to the male

"I know, but its worth a shot" Phil sighed

He really didn't want to lose his wings, it was too precious to him.

The 6 of them sat there as they waited for the male to return

"By the way X, isn't it a bit weird that you're meeting up with a bunch of your enemies" Stress let out a small giggle.

"It's a case of emergency alright, shush" Xisuma let out a lighthearted huff.

Stress covered her mouth as she bumped into the tallers shoulder "Mhm, sure."

The sound of rockets could be heard going off in the distance,

Phil could feel his heart beat a bit faster,

And as gracefully as he could, Grian landed perfectly on the same spot.

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