Falling into you (pt. 1)

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Nikki has been you best friend since school. You moved into his apartment when you graduated. You trusted each other deeply. You shared everything you got. There were those times in secondary school when you had to give Nikki shelter in your home, for he had problems with his family. Your parents accepted him as a part of the family. He was like your brother (in crime). When you started high school, he found himself an apartment and moved out from your place.

But once you got in last year of high school, Nikki started acting really shy over you. He was really quiet. There was that thing, which was harassing him inside: his feelings towards you. You had no idea that he had a crush on you since the last year of high school. He thought it was just a phase, but then the days turned into months and he realized he really was falling into you. Every day was a struggle for him. He was head over heels in love with you. He tried so hard to hide it, he got really depressed. But he was hiding it so well you didn't notice.

The first year of living together was good. You had your part-time jobs. You were paying the bills equally. Everything was good. But it started getting even better when Nikki came with the idea of house parties. You invited some friends from school and their other friends in your apartment. You watched TV, played games, even drinking some alcohol. You never made a mess, so your neighborhood had nothing against your parties. There were times when some of your neighbors visited some of your parties.

But Nikki never forgot about his struggling with his feelings. He still was struggling. Every day was a challenge for him not to ruin your friendship, for he really was afraid of you not wanting him as more than a friend. And that was true. You haven't had a crush on anybody else. His fears were justified. That's why he ended up giving the idea of the parties. He was so desperate he tried to distract himself from that. And when the parties began you both really enjoyed everything.

One night, as you were partying, you met a boy called Adam. You talked a bit. He was really nice guy. Then you, Nikki and Adam started playing video games every party. Several parties later, something else happened unexpectedly.
"Hey (Y/N), I have to tell you something." Adam said.
"Oh, go ahead."
"I think I like you." At these words, Nikki stopped what he was doing immediately. You didn't notice, for he wasn't nearby.
"Oh Adam, I think I like you too." Then Nikki felt his heart breaking a little. He got really quiet for the rest of the party and this time you finally noticed.

"Hey Nikki, what's up? Why are you so quiet?"
"Oh, nothing." As he lied, he remembered all those days in high school that he acted the same way. Everything was slowly coming back.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes (Y/N). What's up with you?"
"Well... There's that boy called Adam who kind of..." You were saying as you played with your fingers.
"Who kind of likes you?"
"Yes. Wait, did you hear us?"
"Well... I heard only a small part of your conversation and..."
"Oh ok. I don't know what to do. Will you give me a piece of advice?" Nikki was desperate. He was really hopelessly devoted to you, he couldn't imagine you being with someone else. But he had no choice, so he said:
"Well... If he really likes you like he said, and if you like him the same way, maybe you can make it work. But don't hurry. Make sure he really wants you."
"Thank you Nikki. You're the best friend in the world." You gave him a hug. He was at the point of going crazy. His love towards you was doomed to be unrequited.

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