11* Darker than Darkness

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They said the nights were dark.
Those who had been through the evil forests and made it alive claimed that it was as dark as hell;
And those who had gone to the realm of the evil spirits agree that the darkness was soul wrenching.

However,the real darkness was not the nights of the forest or even hell.
No! The real darkness was the Alpha of the Black Silver pack ,a man who was the walking and breathing definition of dark evil.

His long locs fell down his shoulders as he relaxed on his throne,a permanent scowl fixed on his face.
His pitch black eyes showed that his wolf was ever present.
He was more animal than man.

"Where is my Beta?"
His deep voice was sickeningly animalistic, shaking the foundations of the courtroom.
His fearful Ijeoma answered.

Even though the man had served him for almost thirty red moons, he could never speak without stuttering, in his presence.

The Alpha huffed as he chugged down a calabash of ogogoro, the strong alcoholic poison coursing through his throat, making his eyes redder than they already were.

"It has been rumoured a night lady killed him."
The Alpha looked more than amused as he chugged down the second cup.
He threw his head back in laughter, causing the room to shake in response.

"My Beta has been killed by a woman,a harlot for that matter! Hmmm,maybe I should just kill all my warriors and employ harlots instead."
He mused.

No one laughed.
They knew their Alpha better than the fact that leaves were green.
He was never joking!

Stalking slowly towards one of his 'courtgirls', he took a red hot branding iron, pressing it down on her skin with a sick smile on his face.
"Do not worry Ada,the day I decide to kill all these warriors, I'll make sure you become one of the harlots to stand in their stead. "

She did not answer. She could not answer. She just stared at the ground, soulless and hopeless just the way he liked it.

"How many people know about his death?"
There was a great silence. Even a feather drop would have been heard.

"The whole palace and it's subjects, Alpha!!"
His grip on the iron tightened, snapping the poor object in half.
He could care less about his Beta.

The man had done more harm than good during his pathetic excuse of a lifetime.
But the Alpha was furious!
If the word spread beyond his pack,other packs would see him as weak.

It would be an insult to his reputation.
"If those rumours leave this palace, consider yourself DEAD!DEAD! DEAD! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!'

The shaky men nodded their heads so fiercely,it could have snapped.

Turning to face his Ijeoma with an evil glint in his eyes.
"And who is this harlot? Have you found her?"
"Uh...Alpha...uh...you see...she... she has not been found....eh....but uh..."

"The Beta's first son,the future Beta claims that he suspects a slave by the name Aira!"
A guard called out, saving the poor Ijeoma from his predicament.

"A slave?"
The Alpha could not believe his ears.
It was as though the heavens had turned to sawdust in his presence.
"A slave killed the Beta of the Black Silver pack?"

Unbelievable did not cover it.
Someone had defied the palace.
A female slave for that matter!
His eyes glistened as he thought out a new plan.

"Bring me that slave!"

***Author's Note***
I hope y'all are fine?
Sorry about the short chapter though,I really wanted to publish something today.

I hope you enjoyed it?
Don't forget that you're strong and beautiful!
God loves you and keep doing the best you can!

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