2. My Living Hell

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One Year Later

"Bryan get your ass down here now!" I hear the incessant yelling from my fucked up mother. I groan as I turn over and look at the time. You got to be shitting me! Six am, and these good for nothing people are awake.

"I swear to God Bryan you better get your ass up!"

"I'm fucking coming, just go pass out somewhere already will ya."

God I hate my life.

I throw the covers off of me, and slowly get out of bed. If she wants her fix, she'll just have to wait a damn minute. Walking into the bathroom I notice the bags under my eyes. I was out until three in the morning getting their fucking shit. Now for once they are up at the ass crack of dawn.

Go fucking figure.

After washing up and slapping my face to wake up, I go do what I dread doing every damn time. I head to my closet pull back the carpet and get the stash and put it in my pocket. How they haven't torn my room apart to find this shit is beyond me.

I take my sweet ass time going towards the living room. When I see my mother she has a sickly smile plastered on her face.

"My baby."

I roll my eyes because the only time she is nice is when she is jonesing.

"Oh quit your shit mom. What do you want?"

She starts scratching her arms.

"Did you get it?"

"What if I didn't?" I roll my eyes at her.

She bares her teeth at me like a rabid animal. "You know what happens when you don't."

"I'm not fucking fourteen anymore. I would like to see you two attempt to hold me down, and try to pump that crap in my system."

Parents of the fucking year award here folks!

"Just give me the damn drugs Bryan."

I throw them at her, and I see her kick my father to wake his dumb ass up. They both look at what I got them. My father starts throwing shit at me. Great what the fuck did I do wrong now?

"This isn't enough!" He tries to glare at me, but his eye keeps twitching. It would be almost comical, if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.

"Too fucking bad it's all I could get."

"Well you need to get more you little shit!"

That's it I've fucking had it. I am done with their bullshit. I'm eighteen for fuck sakes.

"You know what go get it your damn self. I'm fucking done!" I yell at them. I start heading back to my room to pack my shit, when my father gets up. He stumbles his way over to me, and tries to throw a punch at me. I start laughing and shove him back.

"Fucking pathetic I tell ya."

God I feel like I have finally gone and lost my fucking mind. Maybe I have from these fuckwads. I dig in my pocket, and grab the other bag I was hiding, and throw it at them.

"I hope you fucking OD on this shit!"

I run up to my room and that's when the first tear falls as I pack up my stuff. I hate that I feel this way. But most of all I hate them for making me feel like this. Why couldn't I have loving parents? Like they use too be when I was younger. God, no wonder I am so screwed up.

I take out my phone and call my best friend.

"There better be someone dead and you need me to hide the body. Because I know damn well it's too early in the fucking morning for a wake up call."

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