14. Finally Going to Get Better

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"Are you ready for this?"

I pick up my daughter and turn around to see Suzy, Hal and Benny all looking at us. My nerves are killing me right now, I'm so fucking nervous.

"I have no choice." As I bring my baby girl closer to my chest. I just hope everything goes good with the judge. Hal comes over and puts his hand on my shoulder and kisses Zoe's head. "You have complied with everything the judge has asked. I do not see why she would not let you have Zoe back full time." I sigh as I look down and see my precious girl smiling up at me.

"I sure as hell hope so Hal."

We all leave and the whole way there my body is a damn live wire and will not settle down.

"You got this Bry." I turn to look at Benny and appreciate my best friend, there is no one truly better than him. "You should be back at college man. I hate that you are missing out on so much." I feel like the worse person in the world. He just smiles at me while he has Zoe's favorite stuffed animal, as she giggles at him trying to reach for it. "It's fine bro. I'm actually transferring closer to home. I will only be thirty minutes away. I honestly don't want to miss my niece growing up so fast." I can understand that because she has been moving more and more each day. Pretty soon she will be walking.

"Besides, I gotta be around to knock some sense into you when she gets to that dating stage."

Suzy laughs as she looks back at us. "Please! I will have to keep you both in check. Poor girl will be running to Gammy every time." Hal laughs and she smiles at us. "Better yet please do, because then I get more time with her." She winks at me, and I chuckle, but my bundle of nerves hit as we arrive at the courthouse. Suzy squeezes my knee and I appreciate them all so much.

"Here we go."

We all get out and head inside. It does not take long before we get called in and see Judge Harper. So far, I like the woman she does seem fair, and I cannot blame anyone for the mistakes I apparently made. We go through the formalities of standing when she walks in sits back down.

"I have looked over all the reports." Okay, I guess we are getting right down to business. "Although you are doing everything you have been obligated to do Mr. Phillips." Crap I do not like this one bit. "I am going to recommend that Zoe remain in the custody of Suzanne and Hal Evans for the next three months." My heart breaks that my daughter will not be with me, and I feel my eyes mist with the onslaught of tears that want to fall. "However," My head snaps up and meets the judge's eyes. Before she can say anything, Zoe squeals and does grabby hands towards me.

"Da da."

"Did she?" I gasp out as Suzy has tears in her eyes. I take hold of my daughter as she says it again and I can't help but laugh.

"That's right daddy loves you baby girl." I feel a tear slip down my cheek as I kiss the top of her head. I almost forget we are in court, so I turn back to the judge and see her lips twitch up into a smile. "Sorry your Honor."

"It's quite alright. First word I presume." I nod my head and she smiles brightly at me. "I was going to say is that although she will stay in the care of the Evans residence for the next three months, you will get to have your daughter for three nights out of the week, if it does not interfere with your work schedule or your mandatory meetings."

"It won't I swear your Honor." I hug Zoey to my chest and kiss her head. She nods and smiles at me. I am really liking this judge now even if it is not permanent, yet it is something. She is ready to hit her gavel down when the doors burst open. The last person I thought I would see here struts in like she owns the damn place.

"What is she doing here?" I can hear the venom from Ben even though it was a whisper. I have no idea, but this is not good.

"Order in the court. May I ask who you are?"

"My name is Tammy Emerson. I am Zoe's mother." My body shakes and Suzy takes Zoe from me because I am livid right now.

I go to say something, but the judge looks through some paperwork. "Ah, yes I see." She looks up from the paperwork and looks at Tammy as I glare at the bitch. How dare she waltz in here now?

"What brings you in here to disrupt my court?"

"If anyone should have my daughter it is me."

I go to stand up, but a hand clamped down on my shoulder and I see Hal shake his head at me.

"I see." The Judge gives her a deadpan look. "Well from these papers here." She waves them around and I can feel my lips twitch. "Zoe, has no mother because she signed away her rights after she was born."


I want to laugh so hard but then the doors burst open again and I can't help but bang my head on the table.

"She belongs with her real grandmother." It's the first time I seen my mom in a while, and she actually looks sober. How the hell are these people finding out when my court date was? I just can't catch a break.

"Silence!" I can tell the judge is getting irritated and I just hope she doesn't take it out on me. "We are taking a fifteen-minute recess. In the meantime, I would like to see Mr. Phillips in my chambers now."

"Your honor." I stand up and speak. "May I bring Zoe with us, please." I plead with her, and she nods her head. Suzy hands me over Zoe and kisses my head. "Good luck." She whispers as I follow the judge to her chambers.

"Please have a seat." I do as I says and cradle my sleeping little girl. "Please enlighten me of what the hell is going on." So, I tell her everything from my parent's drug abuse and abuse on me to getting my high school girlfriend pregnant. Where she signed her rights away and I even talked about Mike, and I don't why I did but the tears fall down my face as I finish my story.

"Thank you for your honesty. I will join you out there in just a moment." I nod my head as I make my way back out and next to the family that matters to me. Tammy is yelling at Benny, but he just ignores her. He is not dumb to make a scene in a courtroom. The judge walks back in, and everything quiets down.

"After reevaluating all the new information, I have been given I have made a new decision. It is in my best judgement of the circumstances to this precious little girl Zoe Phillips. It's in her best interest that there is no contact for a Miss Tammy Emerson or a Miss Gloria Phillips. "Tammy goes to protest but the judge puts her hand up. "You have had plenty of time to contact your daughter, but you didn't. Money was more important to you than a life you created. Mr. Phillips didn't have money, but he tried and has done well until recently. I am not convinced that it was all his fault either. Mrs. Phillips after years of abuse I am putting a restraining order against you and your husband. You are not allowed to come with five hundred feet of one Miss Zoe Phillips or Mr. Bryan Phillips. My judgement still stands about you Bryan. We will meet again in two weeks on your progress. Court is adjourned."

My mother and Tammy cry in outrage and I cannot be happier that something is going right for once.

"Let's go celebrate." Suzy squeals in delight and I can't help but smile. Maybe things are finally going to get better.

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