That Time Jack Woke Up The Ice (not really but you get the point)

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Ice stared into a very weird looking creatures. It was quite... Furry... Hairy... He remembered a human once talking about a Yeti of some sort? And he vividly remembered them describing the strange... Creatures.

It let out a very weird groan? Gurgle? Yeah let's go with gibberish. Ice yawned and listened. Nodding along as he did not know what to reply with (don't tell anyone but the Yeti reminded him of when Blaze would randomly ramble to him when he was half asleep).

Where am I?

He wondered as he sat down on the cold icy ground in front of the yeti. The yeti rambled on, probably complaining. He continued to nod off.

Apparently coming to a conclusion, the yeti grabbed him and held him like it would to a sack of potatoes. Ice did not care whatsoever and decided to just go with the flow, he can just defend himself whenever.

And so, the two ventured through the icy planes that was the North Pole.


"...." Cyclone stared at the weird looking human flying in the sky with his wind. He woke up from his nap a couple minutes ago and it was noon by now and decided to just wander around to familiar himself with his surroundings. "Is that what a male Elsa would look like?" he wondered out loud but brushed that thought out of his head, he felt like he had broken something but it was probably nothing.

Cyclone was familiar with people often using his and his siblings elements sometimes so it wasn't anything new for a white haired child wearing a blue hoodie and brown jeans to use his element. He remembered awhile back when he was a couple hundred thousand or so year old when a child once impulsively used all seven and wreaked havoc amongst his city, and oh boy did the elements get a kick out of that one.

He also vividly remember them being worshipped as Gods once and it was honestly quite fun to watch, especially for him, Thorn and Blaze (Solar was also basking in the spotlight of being the most powerful element and being called handsome). He wonders if the shrines are still intact or the chapels.

(Don't tell anyone he told you this but they were often misgendered, Quake especially.)

He stopped his train of thought and watched curiously as the human child continued to fly with his element, the rest of the humans apparently did not notice or we're used to the white haired humans behavior.

He tilted his head as he noticed that none of them still cared over the fact a bizzare looking young child (teen? Is that what humans call them?) is flying over their head with a stick.

He shrugged, it was probably a human thing that he forgot about.


"Who is this now?" the bearded man stared down on the, presumably a child or a teen in the yetis grasp. The yeti had marched right up to the man and presented Ice like a proud child finding something that looked as if it were significant to them to a parent.

The yeti answered in what Ice could only think was gibberish. Surprisingly, the man somehow understood the strange creature.

"And how in Christmas days did you even find this little one in the middle of a blizzard without him dying?" the yeti made a gesture of shrugging, Ice wanted sleep not talk.

"Hey I know you're Santa Claus and all, big fan, but I'm just gonna sleep now." and sleep he did.

"..." did he just...?


"..." shut up...

No words were spoken as the child slept.


Cyclone laughed as he watched the white haired kid smack against on a pole on accident while playing with the other younger children. It did look kinda weird how none of the little ones' even noticed a teen smacking them with snowballs, but who was he to judge?

Deciding that he was already quite bored, he flew towards the playing kids and hovered up above the groaning white haired teen. He idly wondered if he could see him.

He stared down.

Another pair of frosty blue eyes stared back.

Guess he could see him then.


Ice was never asleep actually...

Well he was for a moment before he decided to want to know where he was at.

"Hey Santa, where am I?" said person startled in surprise, not expecting the child to speak.

"Well you're at the North Pole!" the man laughed.

"Ah I see." Ice replied dazedly. "Has anyone woken up yet?" he yawned.

"Woken up who?"

"My brothers."

"I see...."

Awkward 💀💀

"And why would you ask me that?" Santa inquired (Ice did not remember his full name when the man in the moon decided to make guardians).

"I'd figured you'd know since Moony randomly gives announcement at the weirdest time," Ice paused, as if thinking his next words over. "Usually when it's the end of the world." he started to doze off.

Santa's eyes widened, not expecting a child no less to know about the man in the moon.


Let's all take this slow and wait for a disaster of a prophecy to appear or sumn

Who knows?

Wonder who would wake up soon though? 👀

Not voting? Oh I see now....

*proceeds to hover above the delete button*

Just kidding :D

Or am I?

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