Adventures Of Two Brothers

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"So...." forest green eyes peered down blazing orange. "How are you?" Thorn giggled as he looked at the tangled form of fire.

"Update: Not fire." Blaze gruffed as he continued to roll around, twisting and turning but never ever managing to escape the vines.

Blaze managed to roll for a bit before something caught his eye, a slithering reptile to be precise.

"Let me help–" Thorn offered but was cut off as Blaze screamed. Thorn also screamed in retaliation.

"WHAT? WHAT?" Thorn screamed in panic.

"S-S-S-S-SNAKE!" Blaze screamed in fright as he rolled frantically away from a green wiggly looking stick. Wait no, it wasn't a green wiggly looking thing; it was a–

"SNAKE!" Thorn shrieked as he summoned his thorny vines and dangled above the ground.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Blaze yelled at the nature element. "HELP ME!" he shrieked again as the snake slithered towards him and desperately set himself on fire to burn the vines tangled around him and to possibly scare off the snake.

He was successful on burning the vines, he was also somewhat successful in scaring off the snake. What he was not successful though, is not noticing that there were more snakes in the area the two were in.

Two resounding shrieks of "SNAKE!" was heard throughout the sky and forest.


"That was scary." Thorn sobbed in relief.

Blaze flopped down on the sidewalk, they managed to escape and flee to the nearest city, groaning as he did so.

"I am never ever going near any forest any time soon." Blaze wheezed and Thorn laughed humorlessly as he greedily inhaled air.

"Noted." Thorn held up his index finger.

"Where," Blaze pushed himself off the ground with a sharp inhale. "are we?" he plopped down on the ground as he leaned back, using his hands as support.

"Some city probably," Thorn pointed at the building. "See?"

Blaze hummed and suddenly jumped, as if he wasn't just as exhausted earlier. He nodded to himself, as if he had suddenly thought of a brilliant idea.

(Which he did, by his standards and that usually involved setting things on fire.)

"Let's go and explore!" Blaze cheered, Thorn followed before remembering that they were supposed to find the others.

"But what about the others?" Thorn questioned as he raised his hand.

"We'll find them later!" Blaze waved his hand. "We can have fun first then we'll go and find them!" Blaze puffed his chest, proud of his plan.

Thorn clapped, seeing nothing else to do and agreed. He paused for a moment, squinting his bright green eyes in front of him.

Blaze looked at the nature element, " What's wrong?" he asked.

Thorn hummed, "It just feels like we're forgetting something."

Blaze shrugged his shoulders, "Probably nothing then."

"Let's go then!" Thorn cheered and dragged Blaze by the hand. Blaze, a bit disoriented by the mood swing cheered along anyways.


"That was fun!" Blaze laughed maniacally.

"I don't think Earthquakes gonna be happy with us..." Thorn laughed nervously as he heard the Blaze in sounds of those big red cars or something.

"Oh...." Blaze stopped his cheering and suddenly paled. "Let's keep this between us, yeah?" he pleaded to the other.

"Oh god we're gonna die." Thorn and Blaze feared for their lives at that moment before fleeing the scene (even though nobody could see them).




"Do you have any idea where we are?"

"No clue but my instincts are never wrong!"

"We're in a desert."



"Let's go that way!'


"Thorn, why did we agree to let you lead?" Blaze asked, sounding even more exasperated than what he should have felt.

"Because you pointed us in the wrong direction." Thorn answered, hanging off from a bears back.

"Valid but where in Moons name are we?"

"A forest."



Blaze pointed at a random direction and declared; "We are going that way."


"We are so lost." Blaze deadpanned.

"Seconded." Thorn raised a thumbs up from where he was face planted by the sidewalk.

Apparently, they were going in circles the whole day. The desert was not a desert but a beach, and the forest they were in was apparently a zoo. In conclusion, they are not to be trusted with maps (even though they did not have a map).

"Maybe we should have followed our bond." Blaze sighed.

Thorns muffled reply was his only reply.

"Let's just rest for a bit." Thorn stayed silent and Blaze looked towards his brother and saw the younger already asleep on his back.

Blaze grinned before flopping back on the ground.

It was currently night so they did not need to worry about people phasing through them, only thing they had to worry about was if the ground was dirty but there was still snow on the ground so they didn't need to worry that much.

Blaze closed his eyes and listened to the light snoring of the other and drifted off to sleep.

Unbeknownst to them, a black fog went past them as golden sand floated above their heads, showing their dreams.


I'm alive :>

Currently tired but brain said to redeem myself by writing XD

Should've just picked to create a BBB and BNHA crossover fic instead of this mess ngl.

I also forgot the majority of the plot of bnha aside from that one movie so I don't think that's also gonna work out.

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