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Frosty silvery sky blue eyes stared into electric blue. Jack almost had a heart attack when the other loomed over him.

He wasn't expecting a believer of his to appear suddenly and see him (it was actually the opposite but the mechanics of this story is very complicated and would include me going in a very in depth study of-- hold your horses buckaroo) in all his pole hitting glory.

"You can see me?" both had questioned at the same time, the other asking in a cheery tone.

"Huh?" the brown haired kid furrowed his eyebrows, most likely thinking over his question. "See you? Of course I can. Why wouldn't I be able to see you? I'm pretty sure those kids are either blind to your presence or you're just being ignored!" the other continued, stabbing arrows in Jack's emotions.

Jack held his chest, as if grieving before straightening up and composing himself.

"Ignoring that, who are you?" Jack asked, not knowing what else to ask.

"I'm Cyclone!" he chirped.

Jack thought it was a weird name to name a child but thought that his parents were probably fanatics or something.

"Who are you?" Cyclone questioned back.

"Are you for real?" Jack asked in disbelief.

"Pretty sure."

".... You can see but don't know me?"


"... Do you have amnesia?"

"Actually me and brothers have this thing going on with our memories when we're away too long, we just forget things so I think so."

What an odd... Disease..?

"What? How does that even work?" Jack questioned, not believing (ha, get it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) the boy for a second.

"We're working on it." Cyclone shrugged.

"Okay then."

Distracted by their conversation, they didn't notice the kids playing before running towards them. Jack was alerted of running children when he heard a childs war cry coming towards them, he noticed that the boy was barrelling straight toward the other kids behind them or the one in front of him.

"Wait! Watch out!" on instinct he grabbed Cyclone by the hand and pulled the other aside but was too late as the boy running towards them phased through Cyclone.



With a startled gasp, he let go of Cyclones hand and stepped back.

"What..." Jack stared at Cyclone, puzzled.

"How did that kid phase through you??" Jack asked as his mind tried to solve something.

"What do you mean? I'm a spirit that you believe in." Cyclone answered, a bit miffed over the fact that Jack did not know about him.

"You're a spirit?" Cyclone nodded in cheer. "When did you become a spirit? You look a bit young to be a spirit."

Cyclone laughed; "Says you!"

Jack huffed in annoyance but said, "Touché."

"But how are you a spirit? I'm pretty sure Moony up there would tell us." Jack pointed at the sky even though it was still day time.

"You're a spirit too?? Oh this is so exciting! We haven't had another spirit in a while! What spirit are you?? Are you a guardian too?" Cyclone cheerily asked questions as Jack stepped back from Cyclones rapid fire of questions.

"Wait wait wait! What do you mean awhile? And what does the 'guardian too' mean!?" Jack asked back. Cyclone tilted his head, a grin on his lips.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm a guardian too!" Cyclone laughed, as if telling a joke to him. "And by awhile I mean a couple hundred thousand years? I don't exactly know the exact year but I'm sure Quake and Solar can answer your questions!"

Jack stood there, dumbfounded and not believing that Cyclone was even remotely a thousand years older than him.

"I-" he paused. "Huh..."

Cyclone laughed even more at his face.

A few seconds of Jack trying to comprehend the bomb dropped on him, he opened his mouth. Most likely wanting to ask a question.

"How old are you exactly?" Jack felt oddly disturbed that the kid (teen actually but he's too short for Jack to know that) in front of him was possibly more than a thousand years older than him.

"I don't know but somewhere around the beginning of time?" Cyclone tilted his head, numbers running through his mind but never stopping in one until he just gave up remembering his age.

"Does not remembering involve with your memory problem?" Jack asked in curiosity.

"I think so!" Cyclone laughed.

Deciding to question the other later and go to Norths place after and tell him about the odd guardian he found.

"Wanna go prank some kids?" Jack asked, a mischievous grin broke out his face.

Cyclones face lighted up even more.


The two cackled as they watched the children's trip over themselves and looking for the culprit but only found a chunk of ice by their leg.


"So...." North coughed, looking at the kids attire. The kid was not wearing clothing fit for the cold.

Ice had a scarf wrapped around his neck, light blue in color. Black t-shirt paired with a white and blue jacket that was just a tad bit thin for Norths liking. Ice had also worn black jeans and gray (grey whatever) sneakers.

"Aren't you cold...?"

"Nah, the cold doesn't bother me anyway." coughElsacough

Norths attempt to have at least a non awkward conversation wasn't going well that much.

"Alright time to call the others."

And call he did.

The yetis ambushed the guardians and took them to his base.


"....Was that normal...?" Cyclone asked, looking at the spot where Jack had disappeared when a portal suddenly appeared and a white furry creature practically kidnapped the younger Guardian.


Jack had asked how Cyclone was able to fly went unanswered as he was Yetinapped once more.

"Oh! Ice is awake!" somehow, Cyclones 'My bros awake!' instinct had been delayed. It was also short for the very very complicated connection he had with his other brothers.

"I'll go to him!"

Cyclone laughed and allowed his connection with Ice to guide him as he flew towards the general direction.

He headed north, not knowing that Jack was also with his brother too. Along with four other people.


I am feeling so awkward with the conversation... Somebody send help-

Also, was planning to finish this chapter like two days ago but my modules arrived and my brain just stopped coming up with ideas with this chapter.... So haha...


Excuse me but if you haven't noticed yet, I am a very awkward person when it comes to conversation so forgive any painful conversations you read.

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