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"That was some fucking headache." a brunet with a white streak of hair groaned as he rubbed his mildly aching head. "What did Cyclone do now?" he said to himself as his ruby red eyes surveyed his general area.

Trees surrounding him, with nowhere of a clue on where he was.

Noticing the time as he was looking around, he groaned. It was still somewhere around midday judging by the location of the sun, good for him he supposed.

"Where am I even at...." he sighed as he forced himself to stand up and at least find some kinda civilisation.

Lucky for him, there was a city close by.



How many years had gone by? He questioned as he stared at the weird mechanism that had advanced even more. Well he at least thinks it was advanced because he himself was pretty sure that humans used to communicate through those weird small machines when far away from each other.

He grunted as a car passed by as he was walking through the mildly crowded streets. People phased through him as he walked along, he sighed.

Guessing that no one here believed in him anymore like the other times before now. Usually he'd encounter at least one believer but he guessed that stories from the old had probably been forgotten already.

Not wanting to ponder even more on his sad excuse of a religion, he decided to see if one of his siblings were awake. Preferably Quake but beggars can't be choosers.

He went ahead and jumped to a roof building, gravity never existed with him and his siblings. Sitting down with his back rested on a wall, he closed his eyes and focused on the thick line of light that connected himself to his other brothers.

A warm and cold breeze passed by.

Cyclone must be awake then.

Cold as ice touched his own electric aura.

Ice and Cyclone?

He opened his red eyes, seeing their respective auras calling to him. Both were at the same direction. Small mercies, he thought.

He cracked his neck and exhaled.

"I'm coming...."

He jumped down from the roof and dashed towards Cyclones aura, it being far more closer than Ices.

He'd go adventuring later with his brothers when all of them are awake.


Jack stared at the yeti, unamused.

"This is the second time that you've kidnapped me."

The yeti grunted.

"What's this about now?"

Said yeti in question grumbled his reply. Jack, even though he did not understand one bit just nodded as the yeti ranted.

"I completely agree." he hummed.

Off he goes he supposed.

Wait, crap. He forgot Cyclone.

Another pause, he can also just tell the others about the apparently thousand year old guardian who he has not known about. Asking would probably be the best for now.

"Jack! My boy!" a loud voice boomed as a group of yeti basically manhandled the sack they were carrying.

Jack snorted.

"What in Easter was that for!" The Easter Bunny stomped his foot on the ground once he was out of the sack.

"That was a very unpleasant experience..." Toothiana laughed.

Sandy nodded his head.

"Sucks to suck." Jack stuck his tongue out at the bunny who was mildly fuming.

"What's the problem now North?" Easter gave Jack a stink eye and averted the gaze towards the man.

"Nothing much, just have a small problem."

"Does small involve a teen with sky blue jacket sleeping behind you?" Jack said.

"Why yes it does! How did you know?" light snoring was heard behind North's back. North coughed.

"Oh! A kid! How adorable!" Toothiana gushed and rushed towards the sleeping teen, rambling something about teeth.

Sandy floated towards the teen, curious.

"Where'd you find the kid mate?" Bunny looked at North, unamused.

"Oh it wasn't me." North pointed at yeti that had dragged Jack. "It was him."


"He said 'e found 'em by the mountain."


"Don't ask."

"You guys are noisy," the kid had woken up, startling the two guardians that had flocked around him. "Not as loud as Blaze though." He mumbled, yawning.

Jack stared at the kid, he looked familiar.


"Urk..." Cyclone groaned as he stopped and landed on the ground. He was already quite far from the city. He actually does not know where he was even at but he does know Ice is probably like a couple miles away from him.

He laid on the ground, a bit sleepy but he can manage.

He wished Thunder was there, Thunder could probably reach Ice by now. Thunder was built for speed (so was Cyclone but that's not the point).

While he himself could go as fast as the wind, Thunder was as fast as lightning. Solar would probably be faster than both of them combined because he could teleport and could go to the speed of light, but this was between him and thunder.

Cyclone yawned, a bit tired with using his powers for more than an hour. Usually, he could use his powers for more than a day without tiring but he guesses that a century of sleep was getting to him.

Cyclone stared at the horizon, the chilly wind of the snowy terrain brushed across him. Cyclone shook it off, he could handle a little cold (even though that was Ices domain), he is the wind after all.

Cyclone rolled forward and stood up, he stretched for a bit before he jumped up to the sky and flew away.

An electric string went unnoticed to him as he flew towards Ices direction.

It was closing in.



I was supposed to post this last month but I have much more pressing matters than this book, sad to say.

(Have a crisis with me on the time subject.


Is it being in the middle of past and future? To be present in the present? Do you need to be physically or mentally there?

If time travel were to actually work, would the term past, present and future even exist? People from the future could go to the past and present. But the future peoples present is their future and not our present.)

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