Meeting Dinah

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  "'Sup Dawg?" Dinah asks me as I approach. "Hey!" I say. "So it's Y/N, right?" She asks me. "Yeah, Y/N Y/L/N. Diane, right?" I attempt at a joke, but fail miserably. I'm so awkward. She laughs, surprising me. Oh my god. She laughed at my horrible attempt at a joke! "I like you, you're funny." Dinah tells me. I blush lightly, and smile at her. She then starts staring at me deep in thought. I shift uncomfortably. "Um... Why are you looking at me like I'm a puzzle?" I ask her. "I'm trying to figure out where I should sign you." Dinah tells me.

   I immediately relax, and laugh at her answer. She taps her chin, thoughtfully. "I got it!" She stands up and walks to my side. She pulls the Collar of my shirt down  little, then starts writing on my Collarbone. I burst out laughing. "Hold still!" Dinah yells. I try to stop laughing until she finishes. When she does, I pull my shirt back up. "Did you actually sign it?" I ask in disbelief. "Absolutely. Wear it with Confidentness." Dinah says. I laugh. "Um... it's wear it with confidence." I tell her. She rolls her eyes. "Alright, Lauren Jr." She teases me. I laugh, but consider it a compliment.

    "Wow! You even have a nose piercing like her!" Dinah says in amazement. "Big deal. Millions of other girls in the world have nose piercings." I remind her, laughing. She rolls her eyes again. "Just out of Curiousness, who's your favorite Musical artist?" She asks. "Curiosity." I correct her. "Huh... Never heard of them." Dinah says obliviously. "No! You said it wrong again. It's 'curiosity', not 'Curiousness'. That's not even a word." I say, giggling. "Just answer the God Damn question." Dinah says, laughing. "My favorite artist is you guys. Or Lana Del Ray." i tell her. 

   She stares deeply into my eyes, and purses her lips. "LO!!" She screams out of nowhere. I jump at the sudden loud noise. "WHAT!?" I hear Lauren scream from across the room. "I FOUND YOUR LONG LOST TWIN!" Dinah shouts to her. "YOU'RE SUCH A DAMN DORK!!" Lauren shouts back, while laughing. "LANGUAGE, CHILDREN!" Ally yells. Dinah, Lauren and I all laugh. "Okay, so when you get to Lauren, introduce yourself as 'Y/N Jauregui, her long lost twin'." Dinah tells me. "There's no way in hell I'm doing that, Dinah." I tell her. "Fine. No selfie, then." Dinah tries to threaten. She's bluffing.

   "Fine." I say shrugging. I start to walk away, when Dinah suddenly grabs my arm and yanks me back.  "NO! I WANNA SELFIE Y/N DON'T LEAVE ME I HAVE SEPERATION ISSUES!!!" Dinah screams. Everyone turns and stares at us. Ally, Camila, Lauren, and Normani start laughing their asses off. "You're ridiculous." I say, laughing along with the girls. I pull out my phone, and we take thousands of selfies until our time is up. "Later, DJ!" I say, as I'm walking away. "Bye Y/N!" She says, waving. 

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