Tour? Or nah?

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   "Oooohhhh my goooddd. I'm sooo fuuuullll." Dinah complains as we walk out of Pancake House.  "I'm not. I could eat all day." Camila says. "We know, we know, we know." i sing. She rolls her eyes at me. Everyone else laughs. I frown. "Munchkin? Hey, what's wrong?" Lauren asks concerned. I sigh, and hug her. She wraps her arms around me. "Y/n?" Everyone asks, joining in on the group hug.  "I just realized I won't get to see you guys much after this. I'm gonna miss your laughs, and just you guys in general." I say. "Awww. We'll miss you more." Ally says. "Yeah. Some more than others." Dinah jokes. "Fuck off, Dinah." I say, laughing. "Y/N..." Ally says warningly. "Sorry, sorry." I surrender. We all pull back from the hug. "well, I'm not going to miss you. Like at all." Lauren says, I roll me eyes at her but she doesn't smile. "Wait... Are you serious?" I ask. She nods, with a straight face. "Lolo..." Camila says. 

   "What? I'm not going to miss you." She repeats. It feels like a stab to the chest. I try to hold back tears, but fail. I put my head down, and wipe a few stray tears. I feel Lauren's arms wrap around me. "Okay, that was a really shitty way of saying what I was trying to say." She says. "I'm not going to miss you, because you're going to come on tour with us." Lauren explains, still hugging me. I pull away. "God Damn it, Lauren! Don't do that!" I say, wiping my tears away. "I'm sorry. I so didn't mean it like that." She says, putting her hands on my arms, looking guilty. "It's okay, Lo." I say. "I love you." She tells me. "I love you, too." I say, hugging her again. She hugs me back. "Awwww!" I hear the girls coo. "BrOTP, guys. BrOTP." Dinah says, wiping fake tears. "Oh my god, yes!" Camila agrees. We all laugh, and I pull away from Lauren. We start walking towards the Tour bus, which is a few blocks away. 

   "Wait! What do you mean I'm going on tour with you?" I ask after a few minutes. They all laugh. "Way to be in on the loop, Y/N." Lauren teases me. I roll my eyes. "seriously, though? You'd actually want me on tour with you?" I ask, smiling. "Duh." Camila says. "Yeah, you're kinda cool. You'll defend my Chicken wings." Normani says. "And even though you swear like a sailor, you're really sweet." Ally says. "And you put up with 'Mila." Dinah says. "Yeah. Not many people can do that. And you laugh at my terrible jokes." Camila says.  "Plus you're just kind of awesome in general. And a good cuddle-er." Lauren adds in. I blush, and nod slightly. "Dinah, can i see your jacket?" I ask. She looks at me confused. "It's like 95 degrees out here... But whatever floats your boat." She says, handing it to me. i take it and thank her. I put my face into it and scream as loud as I can. They all jump at my muffled scream. I finish, and give it back to Dinah. "Satisfied?" Normani asks. "Yes, thank you." I affirm.

   "So... Is that a yes? Will you come on tour with us?" Dinah asks hopefully. I groan. "Fine. But you guys owe me." I say playfully. Dinah squeals and lifts me up in a bear hug. Which soon turns into a group hug. Everyone is talking and squealing at once, and I can't hear anything, except for one thought in my head: I'm going on tour with Fifth Harmony.

Hey! Sorry about the updates. Or lack thereof. I went on Vacation to San Diego for 2 weeks, so that explains that. But, I'm getting Surgery on Friday, so I'll have lots of spare time which hopefully I can spend writing and updating. I might update again tonight, we'll see. If not, I'll definitely update tomorrow. Anyway, hope you liked it, if you have any suggestions, let me know. I take a lot of them into consideration. Have a good night! Or day or whatever.

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