Broken hearts

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   *Back to Y/N's POV*

  "DINAH! OPEN THE DOOR!" Lauren yells. I stand up and reach for the doorknob. Locked. "Damn it!" I say. "Fucking great." Lauren says, sitting down on the couch and biting her lip in thought. Oh shit. She's doing this on purpose, she knows I can't keep my hands off of her when she bites her lip.  I shake the thought out of my head, and sit on the floor. It's silent for about five minutes. "You know you can sit up here on the couch right?" Lauren asks quietly. I shrug, and stand up, and sit on the couch, with a reasonable distance between us. I get my phone out and start texting various threats to Dinah.

To: Queen DJ

I hate you. Open the fucking door.

From: Queen DJ

Hmmmm No

To: Queen DJ

Dinah I will fucking slit your throat

  She stops responding after that, so I watch videos on my phone. About 2 hours later, Dinah opens the door with a smile. Then she frowns, and closes it before we can even stand up. "Dinah!" Lauren yells. "Two more hours. Next time I come in, if you two aren't making out, I'm never unlocking this door again." Dinah says. I slump down on the couch and sigh. Lauren sits next to me. We stay silent for about 20 minutes. "I'm sorry." Lauren says. I look at her confused. "For what?" I ask her. She swallows. "For breaking up with you so harshly. For not giving you a reason why. For acting like I don't still care about you." She says, staring at the wall. I shake my head. "Lauren, it's okay. I'm sorry for whatever I did to make you make that decision." I tell her. She shakes her head. "You... Don't apologize. You didn't do anything. I did. I'm the one who broke up with the love of my life, and now I have to deal with the consequences." She says. My eyes widen. "Then... why did you?" I ask curiously. "Because it was a better option than the alternative: stay with you and break your heart over and over." Lauren explains. 

   "Before you broke up with me, you never broke my heart." I tell her honestly. "Jacob, Stephen, Coming out, Snapping at you when I'm in a bad mood... and at the party." Lauren lists off. "The party?" I ask more to myself. I stand up. "Oh my god. It all makes sense now." I say. "You're legitimately scared that if i stay with you, I'll be in danger and get hurt. You're so angry at yourself for what happened, that you're punishing yourself." I say. She looks at me. "I'm not punishing mysel-" "Yes you are! That might not have been your immediate intention, but you sure as hell are doing it now. But I want you to think, Lauren. By punishing yourself, you're also punishing me." I tell her. "No, I'm protecting you." She says. "Do not use that lame ass bullshit excuse on me Lauren. You may be trying to protect me, but the only time that I ever feel completely safe and happy and content and at home is when you're holding me in your arms! When I'm away from you, I feel vulnerable, as if someone is trying to hurt me. Then you come along, and kiss me, and all the bad things fade away. Just... think about that." I say,flipping my hair, then walking to the door. I try to open the door, then remember it was locked. I blush in embarrassment. I hear Lauren giggle. "That would've been  lot cooler and bad ass if you remembered the door was locked." She says laughing. A small smile appears on my lips. "Shut up." i say.


  It's about ten minutes later, and Lauren speaks up. "I love you." She says. I close my eyes, and sigh. "You're gonna have to do better than that." I say. "I'm stupid. I always push the things I love away. I think that I'm protecting you, but I'm really just hurting the both of us. I've been in love with you since the moment i saw you. When you cry, I can barely handle it. When you smile or laugh, it's like the world has finally found peace. You're my best friend, my soulmate, and the love of my life. I'm so in love with you. I understand if you don't want to give me another chance, but I have a feeling that there's no other love quite like mine and yours." She says. I open my eyes. "You're right," I say. She smiles. "You are fucking stupid." I say. She frowns, and looks down. I stand up, and walk back over to the couch, sitting down next to each other. "But honestly... I probably would've done the same thing." I tell her. She looks into my eyes. Then down at my lips. "Can I-" "Yes." I interrupt her. She kisses me immediately, and I almost cry from the feeling of her lips on mine again. I stop kissing her. "I love you." I tell her. "I love you more." She says, kissing me again. "FUCK YEAH!" I hear a voice shout. We both turn to look at the door, and see Dinah standing there with a victorious smile on display. "Di." I say. "Y/N/N." She says smugly. "I hate you. But i love you." I tell her. "I know." She says, unlocking the door, and walking out of the room. I look back at Lauren. She's looking at me with a smirk. "You know what I've heard?" She asks. "What?" i play along. "The best part of getting back together is the make up sex." She says. My eyes widen and a smile finds it's way onto my face. "I don't know if that's true. Maybe we should test it." I suggest. "Good Idea." Lauren says.



It's true.

Quick shout out to taylorswiftcamren for making the amazeballs cover!

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