"That's my job." ~Lauren

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 Real quick, the pic of Dinah has nothing to do with this chapter, I just thought ya'll might want to laugh at that pic and smile one last time.

        We all sit in stunned silence. "Lauren?" Normani asks. Lauren shakes her head and stands up."No. No. Absolutely not. I won't accept this. We'll figure something out. We will." She says. I stand up next to her. "Lo, I don't know if you can this time." I say, crying silently. She looks at me. "No. Don't say that. And don't cry. I will figure something out. I won't let him do this." She says. She holds either side of my face, and kisses me passionately for the first time in what feels like forever. I hear sniffling, and Lauren pulls back. I look to my left and see Camila crying. "Mila? What's wrong?" I ask. She takes a deep breath. "I just... My OTP." She says. We all laugh, and Ally rubs Camila's back supportively. I wrap my arms around Lauren's waist, and lay my head on her chest. She holds me tightly. "I won't let you go that easily." She says.


   "Any luck?" I ask, walking into the Kitchen. "None. This should totally be illegal! And from what I've seen, Stephen isn't even homophobic. He has a gay son!" Camila says, frustrated. She continues scrolling on her computer. "Then why would he do this? There's no logical explanation!" Dinah says, slamming her hands on the table. "There is, actually." I say in realization. "What?" Ally asks. "Well, He gets 20% of your income, correct?" i ask. Normani nods. "Yeah, so?" She asks. I feel Lauren wrap her arms around me from behind. "So, he's worried that our fan base might not approve. That we'll get less popular, and he'll get less money." Lauren says, disgusted. "Exactly." i say. They all process. "That dick!" Dinah says. "It must be his lack of one." Normani says. I chuckle. 

      "So... if we could prove to him that the Harmonizers are loyal, even if one of us is gay... He might reconsider." Camila says. "That's a big 'if', Walz." Dinah says. "But there is a chance..." Ally says. I bite my lip thinking. "If there's any chance that I can be with Y/N, and you guys, I'm all in." Lauren says. "And you, stop that, that's my job." Lauren adds, pulling my lip from my teeth. I laugh, and Dinah makes a grossed-out face. "Ew." She says. "I'll text Stephen to get his ass over here." Normani says.


   It's a lot like the first time we waited for Stephen... except now, there's hope for us. We're all aware that there's a very good chance this might not work... Which is why we're all basically sitting on each other, taking advantage of the possible last few days we all have together. "This has to work." Lauren whispers to herself. I kiss her head, not confirming or denying her claim. I have no idea what's going to happen in the next hour or so. "Guys, if this doesn't work... I'm going back home." I tell them. "What?!" They all yell. "No! You can't!" Lauren says. "Lauren, I'm not going to be the one to stop you from becoming who you were meant to be." I tell her. "No! Y/N, I'm always travelling. I won't be able to do long distance." She tells me. I take a deep breath. "Maybe that's okay." I tell her. She shakes her head. "No. Absolutely not. I'm NOT letting you go." She says. There's a knock at the door. 

   "I got it." Normani says. We all take a deep breath. Stephen walks in no more than 2 seconds later, on his phone. "Normani. Girls." He greets. None of the greet him back. They just give him a long, cold, hard stare. He rolls his eyes. "What did you need?" He asks impatiently. "Could you put your phone away for this?" Dinah asks with an attitude. He looks up at her. She rolls her eyes. "Please." She adds on with disdain. He sighs and puts his phone in his pocket. Camila pulls out her phone. "Look, this is a tweet that Lauren sent out almost 2 hours ago. It says-" "Yes, I can read. It says 'I love you all no matter what.' Please get on with it." He says impatiently. "God he's such a jerk." I say under my breath. Lauren giggles. "Sshh." She says, putting her hand over my mouth. Camila sighs. "Well, look at the comments. We observed and averaged them-" "Oh look, she can science." Stephen says, amused. "Are you done?" Dinah asks, annoyed. Stephen rolls his eyes. "Continue." He says. Camila tries to contain her temper. "SO, we averaged them, and there were no hate comments. And the most voted or 'liked' comment, was one that said, 'We love you too. Gay or Straight, Male or female, Human or not. It doesn't matter. We'll always be there for you.'" Camila finishes with gritted teeth.

   Stephen looks at us. "And you're point is...?" He asks. "Our point, Stephen, is that the harmonizers don't care about what we are. They are supportive and will always be there." Ally says. "Okay, and...?" Stephen says once again. "And so you don't have to worry about your precious little money being taken away from you. Because of the Harmonizers, we'll stay on the grid, and you can keep your money since that's obviously the only thing that matters to you." Normani tells him. He thinks for a moment. "Well, you girls have obviously put a lot of though and effort into this, haven't you?" He asks. "We have." Lauren says, finally taking her hand off of my mouth. "And you do make a valid point." He says, stroking his chin. "We do." Ally agrees. "Hmmm. And I would get to keep my money?" He asks. "And gain more." Dinah affirms. He takes a few seconds and thinks. "Well, it's really too bad that I don't care." He says, smirking. "What?!" Camila says angrily. "I don't care. I gave you two choices, Lauren." He says, directing his attention to my girlfriend. "And you haven't chose one yet. You still have a day to choose. After that, you're out of the band." He says. After that, he walks out of the bus. Lauren stands up. "God Damn it!" She yells, kicking the cabinet and breaking it.

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