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Now we see some action come in with new background info on Shay's parents and the situation between them.

TW: death, suicide.


Please message me if you are going through anything and need someone to talk to!!
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Miss Olsen's POV:
I started my lesson. Today's lesson, we would start our analysis of one of our prescribed books, which just so happens to be Shay's favourite book, 'The Great Gatsby'.
"Alright class, today we will be starting our analysis on one of our prescribed books. Can anybody tell me what the prescribed books for this semester are?"
A student shouts out an answer. "Hamlet and Animal Farm." He says laughing while turning to his friends. I have an annoyed look on my face and compose myself for a second. Shay puts her hand up, which is what I expect from University students. "Yes Shay." "The 2 prescribed books for this semester are 'The Great Gatsby' and 'Pride and Prejudice'" She says looking directly at me with a smile on her face. "Yes, thank you. Looks like someone prepared for their first day and read through the suggested material." I said to her with a smile. She giggled which caused my stomach to my stomach to fill up with butterflies. I have only known her for less than a day and she already gives me butterflies.
"The first book that we will start analyzing is 'The Great Gatsby'. Can anybody tell me who it's written by?" "F. Scott Fitzgerald Professor" Shay says politely.

Shay's POV:
After I had answered the question Miss Olsen had asked the class, I heard the same boy from earlier say something to his friends and it annoyed me because he has such a lack of knowledge of literature, so I'm very surprised as to why he enrolled for the class.
"Who's that?" He asked his friend who just shrugged his shoulders.
"The author." I say to the guy. "Why are you saying fuck him?" "What?" "You said fuck Scott Fitzgerald" "Because it's his name." "His first name is Fuck?" "It's Francis! Now shut up please so I can learn!" "bitch." He whispered underneath his breath thinking I couldn't hear him, but I could. Instead of starting a fight on the first day at a new university, I decided to ignore him and continue with my work.

Miss Olsen'sPOV:
Once Shay had answered my question, the same student from earlier had asked his friend something, which seemed to have annoyed her, so she responded and I wanted to see what would happen so I watched it. I would have stopped it before it got heated because I don't need people fighting in my class.
"Sorry for disturbing your lesson Professor." Shay said and I could tell she was a little embarrassed about what had just happened. She probably didn't want me to see her speak like that to someone on the first day.
"It's okay Shay. Let's just continue and if you don't know the answer, refrain from asking your peers and just focus because you will get your answer and maybe you will learn something new."

I was walking through the halls to the printing room to print some pop quizzes for my English period tomorrow, when I heard something another student had said which seemed to have triggered something in Shay.
"This shit would be so much easier without parents." A girl said. Shay happened to hear that and walked swiftly down the hall in the opposite direction to where the girl was standing with her friends. I went back to my classroom to put my copies down. Once I placed my copies on my desk, I went to find Shay. Her skateboard was still in my class so she hadn't left the campus yet.
I was walking past the staircase, headed towards the bathroom to check if Shay was there, when I heard faint sobs coming from the bottom of the stairs. I checked to see if it was Shay and sure enough, it was. She was sitting on the last step looking at a photo on her phone, just crying her eyes out with her hand over her mouth so she wouldn't be as loud.

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