Music Room

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TW: none.
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It was a month later, and Shay and Lizzie had been hanging out a lot at Shay's apartment or hers. (nothing has happened.....yet)
Shay has been doing extremely well so far, with regards to her assignments.
This week was a little harder for Shay, mentally, because she was planning on asking Lizzie on a date, but mostly because it was her dads' 10 year wedding anniversary. Shay had written a song recently for Lizzie and decided to sing it thinking no one was around to hear her.

Shay's POV:
This week has been a little harder for me because yesterday was my dads' 10 year wedding anniversary and I wasn't able to visit their gravestone I had placed in the cemetery. (Her dads were cremated and she threw the ashes in the lake where they had gotten engaged.) I had written two songs recently, one for Lizzie and one for how I was feeling without my dads. The one I wrote for Lizzie is called 'I want to be with you.' (if you want to find the song, it's by Chloe Moriondo. Title is the same. Just pretend Shay wrote it)
The song I wrote for how I was feeling without my dads is called 'The night we met' (this one is by Lord Huron. Shay wrote this 1 year ago but never got to edit it and has just finished editing it.)

I had a free period and was wondering around, bored as hell, when I remembered that the campus had a music room and I had brought my music sheets with to edit them a bit, which I had done during lunch. 'Why not go sing?' I thought to myself. I made my way to the music room and opened the doors, and I was immediately greeted with that beautiful instrument smell and I absolutely loved it.

 I made my way to the music room and opened the doors, and I was immediately greeted with that beautiful instrument smell and I absolutely loved it

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I put my backpack down by the grande piano and made my way over to the guitars and picked up a beautiful, white electric guitar

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I put my backpack down by the grande piano and made my way over to the guitars and picked up a beautiful, white electric guitar. I picked up a speaker and a mic, then I set it up for me to sing. Singing gives me a feeling of comfort and relief. I knew not many people would be on campus as it was the free period at the end of the day and most of the students go home early so they don't sit around for an hour. I normally take this time to study or practice tricks on my skateboard, but today I decided to sing instead.

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