Day In

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TW: fluff and then smut.

PS: It's Boxing Day in this chapter.


Lizzie's POV:
I was woken up by Shay placing soft kisses along my collarbone and back making me moan softly. I heard her giggle at my signal letting her know I was awake. She turned me around and gave me a kiss on my lips and then on my nose making me scrunch it up. "Morning mi amor." I have to admit, that was hot as fuck. "Morning princess. How'd you sleep?" "I slept like a baby, how about you mi amor?" I'm melting to this nickname on the inside and I think she can tell. "I slept very well princess cause you were next to me." I said giving her a kiss on her forehead while she blushed at what I had said. "Would you like some breakfast my love?" She asked me while opening the blinds to let some light into my room. "I would love some. Do you want me to make you a coffee while you make breakfast for us?" I asked her hugging her from behind while she tied her hair into a messy bun. "That would be lovely darling." She said giving me a kiss before grabbing my hand and walking downstairs. We were immediately greeted with Blu running up to us and giving us love and kisses. He always had so much energy in the morning so Shay always made sure to either wrestle with him or take him for a walk. If she took him on a walk, I would always go with unless I was up late marking or doing work, and when she would wrestle with him, then I would normally sit on the couch in a blanket taking videos and photos of the two cuties in my life.

After we both gave Blu some love, Shay made her way over to the fridge to get the ingredients for breakfast, while I made my way to the pantry to get Blu's food. I got his biscuits, vitamin oil, a sachet of wet food and a frozen chicken foot out the freezer. (my dog loves chicken feet. they are her favourite treat) I put all the food into his bowl and mixed it. I walked over to his tray for his bowls and put the food down. "Blu, sit... Good boy. Eat your food." I said to him giving him a kiss on his head before he began eating his food. I then made my way into the kitchen to make the coffee. I put the kettle on to boil while I got the coffee, mugs and sugar out of the cupboard above the counter. While the kettle was still boiling, I put on some slow music to start the morning and made my way over to my beautiful girlfriend. I hugged her from behind and gave her a kiss on the back of her neck while slowly starting to sway to the music playing in the background. She turned the stove off, turned around to face me and started to dance along with me. She wrapped her arms around my waist, while mine were loosely wrapped around her neck. We placed our foreheads together while slowly swaying to the music and after a while Shay started humming along and it made me smile. Every so often, she would place a soft kiss on my forehead. Soon after about two and a half songs, the kettle was ready and so I made my way over to the counter where I had placed the mugs. I poured the water into the mugs, leaving room for milk, while stirring so that the sugar and the coffee would be properly dissolved. I made my way over to the fridge to get the milk. Shay likes a mix of almond and oat milk, which she premixes herself and pours into a jug to keep in the fridge and the spare cartons stay in the pantry. (if you want to know anything about the milk, you can comment your questions and I'll answer to the best of my ability) I get her milk and the nonfat milk for me out the fridge and pour it into our mugs. Once I've stirred the coffees and put all the stuff back in their places, I grab our mugs and place them on the coffee table in the living room. Shay had finished making breakfast and came through to the living room and handed me my breakfast which was one of my favourite things for breakfast or as a dessert. It was crepes with home-made whipped cream and cut strawberries with a light drizzle of honey on the top. She was holding a bowl which had one of her favorite cereals with some fruit and her almond and oat milk mix in. She put her breakfast on the coffee table, took a sip of the coffee and hummed with joy.

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