The Date

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Shay's POV:
Today is Saturday and tonight is my date with Lizzie. I was planning on taking her out, but I decided that I would do some painting, with our favorite TV shows playing in the background and her favorite homemade meals. We agreed that we wouldn't see each other during the day, which would make our date even more special. I spent the whole day setting up my balcony, making food, getting my best paint equipment and some matching t-shirts to paint on. I had also gone to my favorite craft store a few blocks from my apartment to get us matching bracelets for when I ask her the big question. I decided to message Lizzie to set a time that I would fetch her from her apartment.
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Hey beautiful :)

Hey pretty girl <3
I was just about to message you..
I'm gonna fetch you at 16h30. Wear something comfy cause we are walking back and gonna stop somewhere on the way back. Don't ask where cause I'm not gonna tell you 😉

Aw damn :( I trust you because you're the best and you always keep me safe :)
I can't wait for our date!!! I can't wait to see what you have planned 🌷

Trust me, you're gonna love it. I'll see you soon beautiful ;)

(by the way, Shay is 'Bubba' and Lizzie is 'Darling')
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It is currently 15h30 and I'm leaving at 16h00 so I can get to Lizzie's apartment on time and not be late. I'm just getting dressed into some casual clothing so I don't get uncomfortable walking to Lizzie's and back.

 I'm just getting dressed into some casual clothing so I don't get uncomfortable walking to Lizzie's and back

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Shay's outfit

Once I was dressed, I locked up my apartment and started walking to Lizzie's. It took me about 20 minutes. Once I arrived there, I rung the bell for her apartment and she let me in.

Lizzie's POV:
I had just finished cleaning my teeth, when I heard my bell ring. I opened my door and Shay was stood there wearing the cutest outfit ever. "Why hello beautiful lady. Have you by any chance seen my date? She's got gorgeous green eyes and the most beautiful blonde hair that frames her face perfectly. Oh wait, she's already standing in front of me!" "God, you're adorable. That was the cutest thing you could've said when I answered the door." "Do you have some clothes for the weekend?" "No, why?" "Well, you best get packing. You're staying with me! SURPRISE!!" I just giggled at her and let her inside. "Could you help me Bubba?" "Of course darling. Lead the way!" We went to my closet and she helped me pick out some clothes. We decided on a fancy outfit, some sweats, jeans, shirts, hoodies, some sneakers and of course toiletries. I packed a little extra in case I end up staying longer than the weekend. Obviously if I do stay into next week, I would pick up my car on Sunday afternoon so we can get to campus and back. "Are you ready to go darling?" "I sure am Bubba. Let's go!" She giggled at my excitement. "Okay, let's get this special evening started!" She shouted as she picked up my backpack and walked out the door of my apartment. I just smiled to myself as she grabbed my hand and we made our way over to her place.

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