Hiii ;)

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Hey my lovelies :)

Sorry that I've been gone for so long but I have been working at my new job for about 4 months now and I've been spending as much time with my beautiful girlfriend (hi my love) as I can while also doing other hobbies like horse riding and skateboarding so please forgive me for not writing in forever😫 I try to write when I have a day off or a weekend off from work but I don't get much done because I'm so darn tired😭 I know that you are all waiting for the next part and I promise I will try have it out as soon as I can but I can't promise a specific day yet🤷🏻‍♀️🥰

Also, I noticed that someone was confused about Shay and Allison being the same person... I am editing the book because the first name that I chose (Allison) wasn't going to work in the future of this book so I wanted to change it, and it is still in the process of being edited so that the new name (Shay) runs through the whole book xo

I love you all🫶🏼
Please drink some water and eat some food🥺
xo Hannah

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