Christmas With The Olsens Pt.2

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TW: panic attack.

Shay's POV:
After Jarnette found Lizzie and I cuddling on the couch, I started to feel a little weird and so I ran upstairs to the bathroom and locked the door. Lizzie tried to run after me but decided to stay behind and give me some space.
I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed I was pale. I leant against the counter top, when I felt my hands start to shake, my knees felt weak and it felt like someone was standing on my chest. I made my way over to the door and slid down to the floor. My breathing became rapid and I felt like I was being drowned trying to swim to the surface for more air. I clutched my chest with my hand and tried to steady my breathing, but I knew it wasn't working because all the sounds around me became muffled and my vision started to go blurry.

Lizzie's POV:After Shay ran to the bathroom, I was about to go after her, but thought it was better if I left her for a little bit and take this time to confront my dad about what he'd said to my mom

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Lizzie's POV:
After Shay ran to the bathroom, I was about to go after her, but thought it was better if I left her for a little bit and take this time to confront my dad about what he'd said to my mom.
"Okay. Since Shay has gone to the bathroom, I'm going to get something off my chest! Both of you sit on the couch please." My mom and dad both sat on the couch.
"Dad, I know that you really want me to marry a man or be with a man and not date women but that does NOT give you the right to be so bloody rude to Shay. I'm so glad that mom had the courage to say something because Shay was starting to get very uncomfortable and I was about to take her home but she insisted that we stay because it would be disrespectful to leave halfway through. Do you know what happened when we arrived?!" "No I don't." "Of course you don't, because you didn't have the decency to stand with mom and welcome her into the house. She asked mom where the bathroom was and after about 10 minutes, I went to check on her and she was worrying about ruining the day because she hadn't met you yet and was so fucking scared because I don't talk about my relationship with you because it hasn't been good since I came out to you. Mom has been so kind and loving towards Shay and frankly all of my ex girlfriends, but YOU have always made them feel so upset and never make an effort to get to know them! I am so in love with Shay and I am going to marry her one day and we are going to have a family of our own. Shay has done nothing wrong for you to treat her like absolute shit. I don't care if you are my dad, you need to fucking grow up and accept this because I'm not changing just because it makes YOU uncomfortable!! This is not at all how I wanted her first Christmas with me and meeting you for the first time to go but it has. Fortunately for you, the day isn't over and we are still here for a few more hours. This gives you some time to get to know Shay and make her feel welcome and adjust your disgusting behavior. And mom, thank you for all that you have done for me and making Shay feel like a part of the family." My mom gives me a smile and I give her a small smile back.
"That also reminds me, please do NOT ask Shay about her family. It's a very sensitive topic and I doubt she's ready to tell you yet... Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find my girlfriend." And with that, I left the living room, leaving my dad to think about his behavior and my mom to get everything else ready for the rest of the day.

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