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Lmao, I've actually published this before and a couple people read it so if you have and yeah.

Catra sat in her bosses office waiting for her to finally appear.

The room was quite dull, it was placed at the top floor of a building peering over the clouds, which was in fact quite the view,

The office had a double door entrance that led to be met with a big glass window that was basically an entire wall, with a wooden desk towered with papers and two jet black chairs on either side. The walls were lined with shelves filled with either books or papers and some filled with empty picture frames, one however was a picture of her boss and then someone who looked exactly like her.

Catra had been sat at the desk for at least half and hour now, and was begging to fall asleep.

'Catra,' a stern voice called from the door.

The feline whipped her head around to be met with her boss, Shadow weaver.

'Boss' she replied.

Shadow weaver began to glide towards the desk and sat down in the chair opposite her.

'I see your here for your next mission?' She questioned, whilst opening one of the draws on the desk and pulling out a file.

'That's right, what have you got for me?' Catra said, feeling a little anxious for what weaver might have for her.

The woman hummed before answering, and started opening the file, 'Your target is a girl named Adora Grayskull, she's a top student at Brightmoon high, her mother is Mara grayskull and her father is unknown, bring the girl to the place in the file and you'll be rewarded, any other information you may need will be in here,' Weaver began to hand the file to Catra.

Adora... That name? Where have I heard it.

'Yes, Shadow weaver' Catra muttered, cutting off her thoughts.

'Good, you will be staying in an apartment a couple blocks away from the school,' Weaver said. Catra nodded in response.

The feline began to stand up with the file in hand and walked towards the doorway,

'Oh? And Catra,' She stopped In her tracks and turned her head towards her boss, 'Mess up again and this I time I will kill you,' Catra gulped, nodded and head towards the door.

Pfft kill me, like you have the guts Weaver.

Catra shut the door closed behind her and began to flick threw the file whilst heading toward the lift, once she was in the lift she clicked the bottom floor and began to read the file again, until a certain picture caught her eye.

It was a picture of her target,

Adora grayskull, was it? Yes that rights, shit she's- she's pretty... WOAH HAHA no catching feelings Catra your supposed to capture this girl.

The feline then violently shook her head to rid these thoughts, she closed the file and waited until she FINALLY reached the floor.


About 2 minutes later, the door opened to reveal a long corridor that followed up to the main entrance, there was actually nothing on the bottom floor but this corridor.

Catra began to walk to the door, the photo of Adora stuck in her head.

This Adora? I feel like I've met her before she seems so familiar. She kinda reminds me of Kyle, he did say he had a twin. But it couldn't be her. His twin hasn't been seen in about 7 years, people think she's dead or has a new family somewhere out of town.

The feline reached the door and went through to be met with the busy roads and buildings of Etheria, a small town on the edge of Despondos.

Catra sat down on a nearby bench and pulled out her phone and began to dial.

'Catra! It's been a while, what do you want?' Someone said on the other line.

'Wow, Lonnie what a nice way to greet an old friend,' she laughed.

'Yah Yah whatever but I'm busy so what's up?' Lonnie questioned.

'I need your help to get me into brightmoon, I know you, kyle and Rogelio all go there,' Catra replied.

'Never thought I'd hear you ask for help!' Lonnie said, 'but I won't be an ass and yeah I will help you enroll into my school,'

Catra rolled her eyes, 'Yeah don't be an ass or I will beat you the next time we meet,'

'Whatever, but why do you need to come to bright moon anyway?' Lonnie questioned again.

Catra froze, Lonnie didn't know that Catra was part of a mafia gang, and she didn't want to tell her, mainly because of her reaction or because Catra may possibly have to capture her or a part of Lonnies family and Catra would like to be the only one to know that.

'I- uh- well you see- I wanted to have a little education for a err- BIG competition?' The feline stuttered out.

Like Lonnies gonna believe that, good going Catra.

'That was like the biggest lie you ever told but I'll just leave it there,' Lonnie replied,

It was silent for a couple of seconds before Lonnies name could be heard on the other end.

'Well, looks like I've gotta go,'

The two said there 'byes' and Catra ended the call putting her phone back in her pocket.

Looks like it's time to head home

Catra stood up, and began her 20 minute walk back to her apartment, grabbing a slice of pizza on the way there.


The feline opened the door to her apartment, It was only small, a bedroom, a bathroom, living room and a kitchen.

Catra put her keys onto the kitchen counter and went into her room, picking a duffel bag out of her 'closet' and began to stuff her clothes and toiletries into it, she didn't have much so it didn't take very long.

Once she finished she put her bag by the door and collapsed onto the couch.

Jeez what a long day, Nothing even happened.

Catra picked up the remote and started to flick through channels on the tv.

She-ra? Hm sounds interesting.

Catra sat and watched the show for hours until she eventually fell asleep.

First chap DONEEE :)

I have the second one almost finished so yeah ! :D

I'm never letting go- Catradora AUWhere stories live. Discover now