I'm going to destroy you!

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Catra was now on her third day of school and was strolling around for break, she couldn't seem to be able to find Adora and the rest of them so she decided to do her own tour of the school, as well as trying to think of ways to get closer to Adora. Obviously trying not to fall herself. 

She'd almost circled around the entire school until something caught her eye, it was a pin board with lots of different posters for clubs in the school, remembering her past conversation with Adora, she looked for the Volleyball Application, 

After a couple of seconds she found it and removed it off the board but there was another poster underneath it, trying to ignore it and get on with the task in hand but curiosity got the better of her. Catra picked up the poster to read:

Wrestling lessons. 

Free, after school until 3:00pm - 4:30pm.

Catra was very experienced in wrestling as it was one of her passions and something she had to learn whilst being in a gang.

Completely forgetting about Volleyball Catra read through the poster. 

"Wrestling, huh," 

Catra jumped, she looked behind her, It was just Adora. 

"Jeez, you scared me- and yeah I'm a big fan of wrestling,"

"Huntara or Tung Lashor?" she asked, Catra rolled her eyes, 

"Huntara obviously, that lizard uses a wip and cheats, the only thing I like about him is that he's got a funny name!" she replied, making Adora laugh. 

her laugh is gorgeous. 

Adora stopped laughing and grinned, 

"Your in luck then," 

Catra gave her a confused look, "Why?" 

"Because Huntara is our teacher," 

Catras mouth dropped. 

"WHAT!? YOUR JOKING!" Catra screamed,

Adora laughed even more at her reaction, not being able to stop as Catra continued rambling on about it.

Huntara was one of the most famous wrestlers in the world, tied with Tung Lashor at first place. Catra had two tickets to see the match in a couple months, she didn't want to go alone though so she was trying to figure out who to give the ticket to, Lonnie and the rest of them were not really fans of it. 

Once Catra finally stopped going on about it, she realised she could ask Adora, 

"So? You like wrestling?" Catra asked, 

"Oh yeah, I love it, me and my best fri- old friend used to watch ALL of the matches when I was younger,"  she replied, smiling. 

Catra smiled, she used to have a friend like that too. 

"Hey, I have tickets to the Huntara vs Tung Lashor game in a couple of months and- uh, I have two tickets wanna come?" She asked, Adoras eyes lit up. 

"HELL YEAH- I mean sure," Adora stuttered, blushing at her outburst, making Catra laugh.

As Catra opened her mouth to say something the bell rang to signal they had two minutes to get to class.

"What lesson do you have now?" Adora asked. 

"English," Catra frowned, 

Adora smiled and grabbed Catras hand, "I have that lesson too!" and continued to drag Catra to class. 

"Noooooo, I was just gonna skip," she groaned, 

"Skip? I thought you joined this school to get an education?" Lonnie butted in. 


Before Lonnie questioned her anymore Catra managed to get out of Adoras grasp and slip away into the sea of students. 


She decided to walk the longer way to class, reaching into her pocket unsure on whether she put the wrestling poster in there, gladly she did, skimming through it one last time she noticed that it started tonight. 

Catra smiled to herself, knowing shes going to destroy everyone there. 

She eventually got to class and tried not to look at Adora and sat in her normal seat, which, unfortunately for her, was right next to Adora. 

"Hey, just saying- Lonnie's really mad at you," Adora whispered to her. 

Catra sighed, "I know," 

Adora looked back at the teacher and blew out a puff of air, whilst Catra laid her head down trying to drown out everything around her, when she lifted her head back up again everyone was packing there stuff away. 

Adora tapped her on the shoulder, "You kinda dosed off there," she chuckled, receiving a small smile off Catra. 

"Are you going to the Wrestling lesson tonight?" Catra asked. 

"Yeah," Adora grinned, confidence building up in her chest, "I'm going to destroy you," 

Catra was going to respond with some dumb comeback before a flash of lights began in her mind. 


Little Catra looked up to a TV in front of her as well as being surrounded with pillows and sweets, the TV read a timer counting down from ten minutes, it was a wrestling match. 

"Catra! I got more popcorn!" Catra spun around to a girl, her face was blurred out but she had blonde hair and was wearing a white t-shirt with red sleeves. 

"Great! The match starts in ten minutes, HURRY!" 

The blonde girl laughed, putting the popcorn down on a coffee table and launching herself onto Catras back.


Both the girls started laughing as they began to wrestle- or what they thought was wrestling as they'd only seen it on TV. 

"I'm going to destroy you!" The blonde girl screamed. 

"You can try!" Catra screamed back. 

Then it all went black. 


"Catra? hellooo," Adora waved her hand in front of Catras face.

"What? huh," she blinked a couple times trying to figure out what just happened and who that girl was. 

Adora laughed, it was very similar to the blonde girls was... except Adoras sounded older. 

"You kinda spaced out on me there, you okay?" She asked, 

Catra managed to get her thoughts together and answered, "Oh, y-yeah, I'm good,"

A good five seconds went by until Catra remembered what Adora just said. 

"Oh, and Adora?" Catra smiled, little pictures of her recent flashback springing to her mind, 

"You can try," 

Catra stood up and walked with Adora, 

"Race you to the Cafeteria?" Adora asked. 

Catra nodded and they began sprinting down the halls pushing and shoving each other, both loving the others company and both of there hearts beginning to beat a new kind of love for each other...

Or is it new? 

I'm never letting go- Catradora AUWhere stories live. Discover now