For the Honour of Grayskull.

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Catra woke up when the car came to a jolt. 

Adora had stopped at a red light, a serious look on her face. 

"Adora?" Catra muttered, 

Adora looked at her, "Hey," 

It was silent for a moment until Adora spoke up again, "I just got off the phone with Lonnie, she told me you got into an argument, are you okay?" she asked, with a soft tone, that made Catras insides flutter. 

"I'm fine, just a bit tired, she- she didn't tell you why we were arguing, did she?" Catra asked, 

"No, that's between you and her," She answered, starting the car again and continued to drive, It was late, so it was very quiet. It was peaceful and it gave Catra time to think. The dream she had, it couldn't be real, could it? She's supposed to be dead. 

"Do you remember the friend I was talking about at wrestling?" She asked, 

Adora nodded, Catra smiled as familiar memories filled her mind, there was no longer a blurred face, but a beautiful, blonde girl filling in. That she recognized so clearly, 

"She loved race cars," She said, Adora smiled, "You remind me of her a lot you know?" Catra continued, not bothered by the fact Adoras driving grew faster, "She had this collection of cars that NO ONE could touch, sometimes instead of re-watching the same wrestling match we'd watch races, she wouldn't take her eyes of the screen once!" Catra laughed. 

"You must like this girl a lot," Adora laughed, 

"I did," Catras smile faded, "Until she got into that accident," 

Adora lifted her hand of the steering wheel and placed on top of Catras hand, 

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

Catra nodded, linking her fingers with Adoras.

"I'd just turned thirteen and it was close to her birthday, we went out but we did a bad thing, we stole a car, she had been learning how to drive from the age of eleven, we got into the car and she began to drive........

"Adora slow down!" Catra laughed, 

"NO WAY! This is amazing!" The girl screamed, 

The girl drove faster, pulling onto a highway. 

"I'm serious now, SLOW DOWN!" 

She laughed, 

"Chill out Catra, we'll be fine!"

Catra gave her a worried look but the girl just grinned at her, Cars beeped as the girl swerved around them all, 

What she didn't see was a car turning onto there lane,

"WATCH OUT!" Catra screamed as she grabbed the wheel turning it, 


The car turned left and crashed into another, forcing both cars to skid across the road. 

Catra and the girl scream as the car falls over onto its side, rolling down a steep hill. 

Before they hit the ground the girl turned to Catra, "I love you, Catra, okay? Always remember me and i'll always remember you," 

"I love you too," Catra whispered. 

Everything went black. 

... It was the last time I saw her, well the last time I saw her for a while, I woke up in a hospital and they told me she passed away," Catra finished, 

I'm never letting go- Catradora AUWhere stories live. Discover now