Chapter 3: My Undead Uncle Isn't Mean

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Izuku POV:

The next few months after being stabbed with a rock were some of the worst months of my life. If possible the beatings got worse and were more often. While I could outrun and evade normal people, Izumi and her gang have quirks that could stop me in my tracks. Izumi either threw me into the air, or one of the Todoroki twins would trap my feet in ice or blocked me with a firewall. Then they beat me harder than they used to and weren't afraid to stab me. I almost always laid there on doors of death, thinking I saw a beautiful angel of death ready to take me. How they went from being scared at me being stabbed to almost killing me, but it also stressed me out. I was constantly looking behind me scared they would be around the corner. It gave me even more grey hair. My hair was turning more grey by the week. A few weeks before my 7th birthday and a few weeks into the second year of grade school, it looked like a grey and green version of Fuyumi Todoroki's hair. The red was just replaced with green and white with grey. It worried the nurses and doctors at Musutafu General Hospital.


On the topic of Musutafu General Hospital, I was close with a lot of doctors and nurses.

Since I had a lot more injuries that could get worse with time I had to go to the hospital more times than I can count. They even had a hospital bed reserved for me. It may have seemed a bit sad that I had a reserved hospital bed, but to me, it was the nicest thing anyone had done to me. It was refreshing to have adults care for me, but there was one nurse in particular that cared a lot for me. Her name was Hinata and she was the nurse that talked to me the first time I was in the hospital. She treated me like a younger brother and even introduced me to her family once when they stopped by the hospital. Her husband, whose name was Sora, also didn't care if I was quirkless. When I asked why he replied, "Wouldn't be any better than those who bullied me, since all my quirk can do is have flashlights for hands." He even let me show him how to parkour.

If anyone was looking it would have been an embarrassing sight. A 6-year-old running through the city like a ninja, while a 30-year-old male was sweating and puffing telling said kid to wait.

Looking back at that moment, it was hilarious. At the time it was disappointing, yet, no it was just disappointing. To be fair I had been doing it longer and ADHD helped. It's like everything stops and I am the only thing moving. It was and still is liberating, even if it is a little harder. Now back to my train of thought. Hinata and Sora were like big siblings that I could look up to, they were more family than the ones I lived with. They even helped with little things, like helping with homework and Sora even thought me English and Greek myth. He looked away and said, "One day English and Greek myth will become a necessity. Plus the Greeks make your life seem better." It is only until now that I realize that he was right. I wish he was still here so I could give him a thank you and goodbye.

Anyways, before I start crying let's stop talking about the hospital and start talking about the undead uncle I mentioned at the top.


I met my uncle on my birthday. A day where I get reminded that family by blood doesn't matter. I had woke up and went to school while Izumi stayed home and had her special day.

School went on like normal, but it was a bit better. Without Izumi to stop me with her telekinesis I was able to outrun her gang. They chased me until we reached the city, my element. The Todoroki's were trying to freeze me, but my footwork was on point so it wasn't a big issue. It got worse when they tried to set me on fire, but all I had to do was get on a roof.

I led them into a dead-end about 2 blocks away from the house and jumped on the top of the garbage disposal. After that it was simple. I had to jump onto the opposite wall and then jump onto the wall that my back was currently facing and repeat the process until I reached the rooftops. Now it may sound easy, but out of all the times I had tried it I failed, so I was hoping for a miracle.

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